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Cannot see "The Teapot" :(

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Was really looking forward to seeing this and the treasures around that part of the sky. Alas, from Nottingham it sits only a couple of degrees above the horizon :( lost in haze...

If anyone has seen it from my area and North of me I'd be interested ! :)

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Luckily I have a good unobstructed southerly view and can see most of the stars of the teapot, although it is low and can often be obscured in the haze. Never managed to see Kaus Australis from here though, even with binoculars.

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Down here at Lat 44 it soars (well, soars without getting vertigo!!) well clear of the horizons. I had a delicious cruise in the bins while the imaging gear was doing its thing. SO much stuff down there, and globulars a go-go. We had a funny night with the valley mist rising to swallow us up at one point, but ten mins later it settled to a level below us. Looking down we saw a solid white lake of mist like a valley filled with snow. Above it was mag 7, crystal clear, as good as it gets.


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The Teapot is about the same latitude as Antares and I can't get to see Antares from home north of Blackpool. No chance of seeing The Teapot :(

From one of my secret elevated viewing platforms at work I can see Antares easily when it culminates but not The Teapot.

I can even see Antares from my weekend get-away a bit further north near Penrith but never seen the Teapot from there.

Actually The only times I have ever seen the Teapot has been whilst on holiday abroad. It's an easy sight from The Canaries and Turkey :)

I'm sure there are some elevated dark sky observing sites in the UK where it is viewable. I just haven't been there...yet.

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Once in the park I can see Antares quite easily here in London. Then we are a long way dahn sahth. As the teapot is on the same RA as Scorpius I should imagine I could see it from here, but it would have been behind a tree last time I was out with a clear sky.

When I was a wee nipper I remember we managed to find the lagoon nebula in our binoculars from the New Forest. And of course in my trips to the Southern hemisphere I saw it in all its glory above my head from a perfectly dark site in deepest darkest Peru. It doesn't get much better than that!


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