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Still blue sky at 10:30... Beautiful Saturn


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I'm sitting in the back garden, sky is still blue! Its 10:30 and yet Saturn is looking beautiful :D

Slowly ramping up the power as the scope is cooling, on 100 x so far and getting glimpses of Casini and planet shadow...

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Saturn is a real beacon when the sky is still not very dark. I was out viewing globulars over the last couple of nights. M5 is nicely placed for me at the moment. M10 and M12 are a bit lower and I have to wander around the garden trying to get the best view of these with my bins that I can.

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Don't know how you guys can be up so late and then get up for work following day! Good for you that you can :) Wish I could. At the very peak of summer astro is all over for me. End of July starts to become feasible again. I make the most of the light nights of course by biking! :)

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Despite it being light so late, there is something quite nice about doing all the preparation for tomorrow (shirt ironed, lunch made, bath etc.) and having an hour or two outside, before coming back in and having nothing to do other than going to bed!

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Yesterday the condition were not as good as some of you had, but tonight has been excellent and Saturn was really a fine sight. Although not dark - as observing from about 10.30 to 11.30 the Cassini Division stood out well and northern band at x119. Also able to see Titan, Rhea, Tethys and Dione which were nice tight points in the 16mm SWA Maxvision i was using for the first time.


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