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Saturn over four nights


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Given the unusual (but much appreciated) run of clear weather I thought it would be fun to pull together my best Saturn images from each night. It looks a bit of a sorry tale of slowly degrading seeing, but as there's wind and rain forecast perhaps that will help clear things up a bit.


I'm still very happy with the first so I can live with the rest. All were produced using my 127 Mak and ASI120MC with a 2x barlow.


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Still a very fine line up and pretty darn good for the 5" mak, though seeing seems to be 9/10ths of the battle sometimes.

Any chance of getting that C9.25 out for a run before Saturn recedes?

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Still a very fine line up and pretty darn good for the 5" mak, though seeing seems to be 9/10ths of the battle sometimes.

Any chance of getting that C9.25 out for a run before Saturn recedes?

Seeing does seem to be a lot of the battle sometimes. I can probably count on one hand the number of nights we've had really outstanding seeing in the last twelve months.

The C9.25 will be out as soon as I can get it out. I may have to negotiate so that it won't cause ructions if I build the obsy at the same time as doing all the other jobs I have to do around the place rather than afterwards. There's the vaguest hint of a whiff of a possibility that we might be able to go out to Oz or NZ for a few years if a work project comes off though, so getting the house into a state where we can sell it or rent it out pretty much at the drop of a hat has become more of a priority now.


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Seeing does seem to be a lot of the battle sometimes. I can probably count on one hand the number of nights we've had really outstanding seeing in the last twelve months.

The C9.25 will be out as soon as I can get it out. I may have to negotiate so that it won't cause ructions if I build the obsy at the same time as doing all the other jobs I have to do around the place rather than afterwards. There's the vaguest hint of a whiff of a possibility that we might be able to go out to Oz or NZ for a few years if a work project comes off though, so getting the house into a state where we can sell it or rent it out pretty much at the drop of a hat has become more of a priority now.


Yes I know exactly what thats like - weekend pass for a star party perhaps?

Oz or NZ would be a great trip/experience and sure you could rent or find a place in a suitably dark location to take advantage of the Southern skies - though shipping the gear might be a worry. Definitely worth getting the house up together and keeping your options open if it work out. And if not, you'll be so well placed in the good books that the other half will probably roll up her sleeves and give you a hand with the pier foundations ;)

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Very impressive first shot James and a true indicator of the vagouries of seeing over time. If you can do that with a little mak (albeit a star performer in its own right) I am certainly looking forward to your C9.25 shots under favourable seeing.

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Nice collection there James.

The first night of four was certainly the best seeing. Unfortunately where I am, only had one day of clear weather. Think the clouds form just near my house hehe.

Now bring on the C9.25 :laugh:

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Great images, I'd be proud of those

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's really struggling this year.

Last year I got some really good seeing & some what I would call not bad pics of saturn with a 6" reflector but this time around with the 5" Mak the seeing is a stinker, really struggling with focusing & can't seem to get gain/brightness right either.

the best I've got so far


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I've not actually tried with the SPC camera on Saturn this year. I'm really trying to get to grips with the ASI120MC. I'd have thought the SPC would stand at least a 2.5x barlow though if you wanted to go that far. You do need the seeing though, as you say, and it seems rare these days to get anything outstanding.


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That's great work James. Very illustrative of the changing conditions.

Yes all great shots, as a newbie it's nice to see the changing conditions over 4 nights, I always tend to think am I getting things right or the best out of my kit before blaming deterioating conditions....Thanks

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These are a couple of pics I took with lifecam webcam & C8 XLT 2 x barlow. the bigger image was taken in a higher resolution. 1080 - 720 the first 640 - 480. there is more detail and a lot less fuzziness using the smaller res. can anyone explain?

Great first picture very good.

Capture 06 05 2013 22 24 50 castr G3 B3 ap23235

PshopCapture 06 05 2013 22 27 29 castr G3 B3 ap10777

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