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Greetings from The Great White North


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Howdy Folks.

Like a lot of newbies, I came across this great spot whilst Googling and have enjoyed gathering up the info offered here like a junkie's craving vein.

My name is Ian and I live way up in the Canadian Arctic in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. I am just embarking on this journey to the planets and stars. Although having a life-long fascination with Space, etc., I have never taken the steps to indulge myself until recently. I have joined the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (I suppose I can call myself a "Rascal" now....) and started to haunt this forum and also CN, and, oh yes, all those scope supplier’s web-sites.

It really kicked off for me when I acquired an antique (another mild habit) pocket telescope made by the great Jesse Ramsden. I started researching other instrument makers of the 18th & 19th centuries, and found myself drooling over the telescopes most of all. Man, what I wouldn't give to get my hands on a Thomas Cooke or Alvan Clark!

I really wasn't planning to buy a modern telescope for quite some time, as I'm just starting out, but 2 nights ago some unknown force entered my fingers and I ended up purchasing the Skylight 60mm F/15m from UnitronItalia. A rather interesting experience as I don't speak or understand Italian. Ah, well....the worm has definitely turned and the pit has opened wider....

Anyhow, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. My fingers are starting to cramp so I'll end by saying I'm looking forward to being a member here...


- ian







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Hello Ian and thanks for your interesting story.

I'm not familiar with the telescope you have purchased, but hope it turns out to be all that you want of it.

Welcome to SGL!

PS Just had a look at one and it appears very retro, so I can see why it appeals - looks a nice instrument and gets great reviews.

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Hello Ian and thanks for your interesting story.

I'm not familiar with the telescope you have purchased, but hope it turns out to be all that you want of it.

Welcome to SGL!

Thanks, Richard. Check out this review http://www.cloudynights.com/item.php?item_id=2717

Actually Neil English's book "Classic Telescopes" is what led me to it.

Do you also indulge in guitar? I used to play quite a bit, but encroaching arthritis is putting a stop to it...

- ian

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Hi Ian welcome to the lounge,

we thought our winter was cold, you must be hardy folk to live

up in the north of Canada, you must see the "Northern Lights",

something I have always wanted to observe, maybe some day.

Best of luck and Clear Sky's

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Hi Ian welcome to the lounge,

we thought our winter was cold, you must be hardy folk to live

up in the north of Canada, you must see the "Northern Lights",

something I have always wanted to observe, maybe some day.

Best of luck and Clear Sky's

Hi Ron,

Yup, I guess we are hardy. I've been here 10 years and this past winter was the coldest yet. Global warming? Not here! Heck, there's still lots of snow on the ground....

- ian

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Hi Ron,

Yup, I guess we are hardy. I've been here 10 years and this past winter was the coldest yet. Global warming? Not here! Heck, there's still lots of snow on the ground....

- ian

Welcome to SGL Ian.

We are at 53' (that's about 10 degrees further south than you) the snow only melted away 2 days ago, global warming?? It certainly doesn't feel like it!

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Hi Ian and welcome to SGL, a nice piece of History you have in your old telescope, made by Jesse Ramsden the London optical maker who designed the SR eye piece which often comes with basic telescope outfits :)


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