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Telrad Finder Scope

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Hello, I've just ordered a Telrad finder scope from FLO but I've got a couple of questions:

1. I'm not so keen on using the sticky pads to attach the Telrad, is there an alternative?

2. Does the Telrad replace the normal finder scope or can you have them both mounted side by side and use them together?

Thanks :)

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you can use cable ties to strap on the telrad although you need to check it often to make sure it hasn't slipped. as for the finder scope, it's really up to you. I've kept it on and use it just as much as the telrad if not more.


Edit: maybe a bit of bluetac with the cable ties would stop it slipping

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not sure about an alternative way of fixing the mount, velcro maybe but i wouldn't trust the alignment , but you can if you have room leave the other finder scope on it's up to you ..

doesn't velcro stick on with sticky pads? :D
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I am using removable sticky pads and string until I am sure where I want it to go.

I use both side by side and find they complement each other e.g. Telrad gets you to right area & the original to get it bang on centre.

From what I have read many people here do this but others just use the Telrad. I'd try both to start with and if, after a while, you find you don't use the original one re-gig.

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yes but the original post say the sticky pads with the telrad :rolleyes::grin: ok ok i'm hung over after the rugby and not too sharp.

I'm not surprised you're hung over after the rugby. great effort from you guys (presuming you're welsh) :D
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I'm not surprised you're hung over after the rugby. great effort from you guys (presuming you're welsh) :D

yes i'm welsh was the best rugby match i've seen in a long time and the atmosphere was second to none.. it was a shame England didn't push a bit more to make it a tighter match ,but it was a great game one for the history books.

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When I first had my Telrad I did a temporary fix with masking tape to decide where I wanted it then used the supplied pads, works a treat.

Up to you about using the original finder but I find a Telrad alongside a RACI is great.

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I know just what you mean about not wanting to use the sticky pads, I

hate sticky pads they can be a right pain they either don’t work as intended o

r you can’t get them off when you want!

With my Telrad I also started off with masking tape to get the best position and then fitted it w

ith cable ties along with some masking tape along the sides to avoid any slippage.

This system has worked for me so far.

I have taken the finderscope off as I don’t use it just the Telrad

But each to his own as they say as what works for one don’t for another,

just try it out when you get it but you won’t be disappointed with it...it’s a tidy bit of kit

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The supplied sticky pads are very effective. I temporarily used PVC tape, which is a bit stronger than maskin tape whilst determining position to fit the base plate.

Certainly up to yourself with regard to telrad and finder scope combination. in light polluted skys some people might prefer to use both as less stars are visible to fix a position.

On my SCT I have both, although I do not use the finder scope, instead prefering the telrad and low power wide field 'finder' eyepiece. On the dob I actually removed the finder scope and replaced it wih the telrad, as this provides me with the best position to use it. However I only use the dobsonian at dark locations in which the telrad alone is fine as more stars enable a better fix. The other advantage for myself, is that there is less weight on the secondary cage and so improved balance.

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Having only had my 200dob since Christmas, the first of whats likely to be numerous additional buys was a Telrad - I just couldn't get on with the finderscope. I've tied it down with parcel tape but don't do what I did - leave it switched on for days then realising I would have to cut the tape to replace the now flat battery! DOH!

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Mines cable-tied at the moment as I thought I might not use the finder.

Having used both I wouldn't be without either.

I now plan to replace the standard finder with the RACI finder & get a riser for the Telrad so I don't have to 'hug' the tube quite so much when using the Telrad. At that point I'll just attach with sticky pads.


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I went to a haberdashers stall at a local market and bought some elastic that's about 3/4" wide (or 'knicker elastic' as the wife jokingly called it!).I then bought some little curtain ring type things and some 'hooks' like you have on your trousers.Don't ask me what they are called- But I tell you what-I had great difficulty in describing what I wanted and why,to a very bemused stallholder!! I managed to make two elasticated bands that hold my Telrad firmly in place.The OTA is marked with yellow tape at each corner of the base,so it's easy to align/re-align if necessary. The 'Knicker elastic' story is still a source of great hilarity in my family.'Necessity is the mother of invention',as they say!

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Everyone kept singing the praises of the Telrad so I bought one. Huge great plasticky unwieldy thing - I can´t get it on my SV102ED - the clamshell doesn´t leave the required space. And I think sticking things on with adhesive tape is not a good engineering solution. So it is still in its box.

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Everyone kept singing the praises of the Telrad so I bought one. Huge great plasticky unwieldy thing - I can´t get it on my SV102ED - the clamshell doesn´t leave the required space. And I think sticking things on with adhesive tape is not a good engineering solution. So it is still in its box. Anyone want to buy a Telrad?

Sounds like a Rigel quick finder would be better for you then. A shame the telrad doesn't work for you, mine is one of the best things I've bought I feel.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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The Postman has just delivered an extra Telrad base,ordered from FLO,on Sunday.I intend to use it on a 40 year old 90mm reflector(my first scope),that I'm currently revamping/reviving.A 0.96" to 1.25" E/P adaptor is on it's way too.It's a long time since I used this scope,but I remember seeing the rings of Saturn and Mars' icecaps with it!

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