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Saturn 15th March


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SPX350 F34.5, PGRFlea3, Baader RGB. - above avg seeing. 1445hrs UT 15.3.13

Got my first chance after 5 months of wind and rain here in Brisbane. With above avg seeing I got my best image at 56 degrees alt, as Saturn rose the seeing got worse and cloud patches came over but no wind for once. I used Autostakkert2 which seems to do the best job, I cannot get WinJupos to auto detect for some reason, it worked for Jupiter but not for Saturn. Hopefully weather will settle as we move into Autumn here, I still get bitten by midges as I forgot to use my spray.

Regards, John.



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Hi John welcome back, Good to see you posting Saturn again. Very nice images there.

So was this not done on winjupos then ? if not what was your capture times, as you know 3x the amount of capture times can be used if winjupos is used.

Havent had a great time imaging myself it seems for ages ( even when it has been clear ) ups and downs you know the score. 5 months of wind and rain in Brisbane, thats a long spell John.

getting a 12" skywatcher next week, not sure if it will be good enough on planets. But ive seen some lovely stuff with these mass produced optics. I live in hope

Lovely shots again

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Thanks everyone, I went for 100 sec captures but will give WJ another try just did not have time to fiddle with it. Amazing how I remembered to plug things in but had trouble connecting to my EQ6 which after fiddling miraculously mended itself. I did image meteors in December and got two mediocre Jupiters but cloud meant an early pack up. Some nights would have a clear twilight and as I set the CCD's up cloud would cover the sky, after the 10th time of doing this I gave up.

If I manually align the RGB I hope WJ will oblige, longer captures will certainly give a smoother result especially for IR which shows better N Pole ring detail.

My cat keeps climbing on the Laptop once she nearly posted a message.


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Had a go at WJ, is it supposed to rotate the equator horizontally like with Jupiter? I completed an LRGB using red as lum and it does seem smoother compared with my original. Second image is WJ process.




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Had a go at WJ, is it supposed to rotate the equator horizontally like with Jupiter? I completed an LRGB using red as lum and it does seem smoother compared with my original. Second image is WJ process.


For the ultimate John i would have thought 6mins per channel would give the best results, but WJ will obviously have to be used. Not sure if youve seen Darryls thoughts on this, but i found it helpful

WinJUPOS TutorialSmall.zip

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For the ultimate John i would have thought 6mins per channel would give the best results, but WJ will obviously have to be used. Not sure if youve seen Darryls thoughts on this, but i found it helpful

WinJUPOS TutorialSmall.zip

I have just followed that tutorial & it works a treat on my previous Jupiter stacks, very handy thanks Neil (i didn't realise you could stack 3 of each channels)

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I have just followed that tutorial & it works a treat on my previous Jupiter stacks, very handy thanks Neil (i didn't realise you could stack 3 of each channels)

Its a great tutorial. Thanks must go to Darryl. Ewan.

I can only wonder what good de rotaion would do for Johns amazing work. Only 100 secs on this capture, yet its absolutely stunning, Hope the tute is useful

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