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Newbie from Teeside


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Hi, I have been browsing this site for a while now and I been impressed with the quality of the help and answers given out.

Anyway I have been interested in looking at the stars for some times using bins ( sorry for the use os the word bins but as a long standing bird watcher it is not difficult not to use the word) and I am looking to by a telescope to look even further into the night sky.

Light pollution is a major problem for me, the Pleiades are only just visible with the naked eye so the choice of telescope is proving to be difficult. Any advice would be welcome, at present I just want to see every thing maybe taking photos later. Alan

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Hello Alan and welcome to SGL!! Your choice of telescope is not perhaps as limited as you may think. You can buy Light pollution filters that can help quite a bit - the important thing is to determine exactly what sort of light pollution you have. Is it the "usual" yellow sodium streetlight glow? If so a relatively cheap Skywatcher LP filter will eliminate it for you. Other sources may need other filters - if you are lucky you may be able to try some of them out and select the most suitable.

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Welcome aboard Alan,

A couple of things, Bins is fine as is scope! as for excessive LP, if you have no means to travel to darker skies where a portable scope will help, a longer focal length with a smaller (narrower) FOV will assist with sky-glow as will a suitable LP filter.

I would look at a decent Frac such as a TAL 100RS, the mount choice is up to you dependant whether you want to go Equatorial or Alt-Az.

Another option would be a Mak.

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Hi Alan and welcome to SGL, don`t worry about using the abbreviated word bins, it is used as regular as the clouds cover our skies on this forum. Light pollution is a constant problem, but as has been mentioned, some relief can be had with appropriate filters, so this should not stop you proceeding with any future telescope purchase :)


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Welcome to SGL, if your anywhere near Haverton hill then there really isnt a 'real' night time over there, I lived in Stockton for 7yrs & the lp is horrendous, there are places nearby if you've a car? Wynyard woodland park is near where I lived & not bad, lp wise. Which part of Teeside are u from (you dont need to be exact, just round about) I may know of some other places.


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