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Hi Hi From Northumberland

Flour Power

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Hello everyone.

Like many, I've had a fledgling interest in what's

'out there' for more years than I would care to mention. A recent visit to the excellent Kielder observatory has finally spurred me into getting my first 'real' telescope which I hope to buy within the next couple of weeks.

it's all very big and scary but I'm looking forward to jumping in with both feet - even more so because, for the first time ever, even my wife wants to share a hobby. Eek! :)

I'll finish by saying "thank you" for all the help and assistance I'm guaranteed to find on SGL. This looks like a great place to be - while waiting for the sky to clear.

Wishing you all clear skies.


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Hi Mike and welcomes to SGL.

The SW Dobs are very good value for money, they optics are good and you will see plenty with that scope from a dark location. I had the 250mm SW dob with auto-tracking mount later upgraded to Synscan and it still gave the best view of the planets I have ever had.

I am just down the road from you so if you need any help send me a message.



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Hello and welcome from me too - it's a great hobby to share, but you'll end up buying 2 scopes so you both have one :grin: So far we have mine, bought for christmas 2011, one for the kids, then my new one (planned) & one (planned) for my OH to dabble in AP. I'm sure the best range of scopes is 1 each & 1 left over :grin:

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Thanks everyone.

I've just been musing on the prospect of more than one scope. My five year old daughter and her friends are interested too. Not sure my garden is going to be big enough for six scopes plus a spare. Although... :)

Spookily, I've also been looking at EPs. I've done a lot of photography over the years and am used to L spec lenses but I'm not sure my wife will sanction exotic glass - although I do enjoy a challenge!


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