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Hi all,

Peter (45 nearly), Coatbridge, Scotland, here. :smiley:

Firstly, let me say that I'm not only a newbie to this forum, I'm a newbie to Astronomy. I'm not exaggerating when I say, about the only thing I can find in the night sky, is the moon!! For this reason, I decided against a GoTo mount for my first scope. I think I'm going to go with a Dobsonian (Skyliner 250 probably), as I am disabled and will have to do my viewing from a seated position. I'm not paralysed but I tire easily and have little balance.

Well, that'll do for now but I look forward to receiving all your advice and I expect to be around here for quite a while.

Cheers everyone. :wink:

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Welcome to the SGL. I am sure you will have some amazing celestial journeys with the 250.

Though as James rightly states, that is a big scope. The best scope is the one you use most often. I have a 11" fork mounted SCT which is rarely used as I cannot face dragging it and it's considerable weight outside for what might be a short observing session. If you can see one in the flesh to get a concept of how large it is, that may help you answer the question of whether you can handle it.

Clear skies,

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This is exactly the advice I joined for, thanks guys.

Have watched the review of the 200, on YouTube and that looks a more managable size. I was just thinking that there might be a leap in quality to the 250. There are so many to choose from that it's difficult to know you've got the best value for money. Sadly, I don't think there's a specialist store near me, so I have to go on reviews and videos, really.

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All other things being equal you'd be able to see more with larger apertures, but the 200 dob is certainly a decent telescope and I'd say rather more manageable than the 250. Where you keep it might affect your decision though. If you have to carry it through the house to the garden then perhaps weight and size is more of an issue than just having to lift it out of a shed and put it down again five yards away.


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Hi Supercelts and welcome to SGL, I do not think there is a difference in quality, I am sure someone will say if there is, it is more a question of light gathering power where the 250 will just have the edge on resolving some DSO better than the 200, but as has been said there is a very considerable size and weight difference. Whatever you end up with, enjoy your Astronomy and your new scope when it arrives :)


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hi and a warm welcome to SGL Peter.

i own 250PX and i can confirm that it will be too much for you to handle,specially if you have to carry the scope in and out every single time.I can do it on my own but it is not easy even for me as such i always ask my wife to give me a hand.You are lucky to be close to Glasgow and they have quite a good bunch of people there with they own astro club what i would recommend you to visit if you can and I am sure, there you will be able to see the scopes in flesh and try them out and decide what suits you best.On top they could give you some great advises on starting your new hobby up.

good luck and clear skies.

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Thank you all for the very warm welcome and advice, I really appreciate it.

I should've mentioned, straight off, that I live in a tower block and do not have a garden. Even if I did, Coatbridge is not the place to take a £300 piece of equipment out in the open and expect to keep it, such is our neighbourhood. :laughing: Having said that, I'll just be taking it from the flat to the car, so the 200 is portable enough for my needs, now that I know I'm not compromising performance, too much.

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There used to be one in Airdrie, I believe, but mobility at the site may be an issue for me, so I'd rather choose the sites to suit my own needs.

P.S. Downloaded Stellarium and it's EXACTLY what I need!! Thanks for the tips. :winking:

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Hi Peter welcome to SGL, have you not considered a refractor telescope or MAK, someone might put me right but it seems more suited to you if you find it hard to stand for long periods.

and as you live in a tower block would it not be better for viewing out of a window or on a balcony if you have one.

good luck anyway and clear skys

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