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Hello Folks,

Happy new year to you all !

Another addition to SGL, with his first scope @ thirty something. Received a Celestron 60AZ Powerseeker for Christmas. Being a lover of all things planetary and universal, trying my best to do a few things I've always wanted. Learning about the night skies is one of them, so any helpful tips regarding equipment, websites or upcoming visuals would be much appreciated. Clear skies!

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Hi ! I recommend getting hold of a pair of binoculars with 40 - 50mm sized objectives (front lenses) and low power of 7-8 X as these will help you see a lot of objects that will be difficult to find with your telescope plus help you bridge the power gap between the naked eye and the telescopic view. Also a good introductory guide book. Good luck !

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Hi Euge and welcome. Try downloading Stellarium - its free and brilliant. Have a look and you'll see what I mean :)

Also the book Turn Left at Orion is a good read and will assist too. Good luck with the new scope.

Clear skies....

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Hi Euge and welcome to the forum and I agree with the above suggestions of Stellarium and the book Turn Left at Orion as providing you with a good start in astronomy. Another great site for you and others starting out is this one from the Hubble site which details each month some suggested objects and events of interest which is presented as a video using Stellarium. The only suggestion perhaps is to keep asking questions as they arise as there is plenty of experience within the forum to help you out.

Clear skies and enjoy the forum


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