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Is it worth big quality eyepieces on a small scope?


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I bought a new toy (my Xmas present for my self:P) for my megrez to play with but I'd like to spend some of my Xmas money to buy a new eyepiece and iv been thinking of replacing one of my vixen npl (I have a 10mm and a 30mm npl) or around the 24ish(Meade or skywatcher standered) size but it is worth getting such a big eyepiece on a 72mm f6 scope (even if it is a doublet). Also I'm restricted to 1.25 as that's only diagnonal I have). It would be the 82 degree size and either the 11mm or the 24

Thanks for any help. Gaz

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So only you can decide if it is "worth" it. A budget and intended use is also a good thing to lets us know about.

I have Megrez 72 as well, and have certainly enjoyed using good quality eyepieces on it.

My ES68 24mm gives a very nice wide-angle view over several degress (3.6 i think), and is pretty good value. It is also the maximum field you can get in 1.25".

I've also used a BST Explorer 5 mm to get several bands on Jupiter (counted 9 on a good evening - contrast between the poles and white bands can often be very tricky though).

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You could do a lot worse than get a S/H Meade 24mm SWA, the Ex Sc is most likely the same but will cost more new. I have seen a few of late, both brands, you can normally pick them up for about 85 pounds. I sold mine a while back to a site member and could have sold it many times over. It looks to me thta you have to strike while the iron is hot with them.

BTW I would not call a Megrez 72 a toy. For me it is a quality small scope and would handle any high quality eyepiece well, exit pupil taken into account. I have two 70mm ED carbon tubes from Telescope Services that I would have thought was not as good as yours and I have had some fine views with them. I have on on top of my LX 200 all the time.


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Thanks guys :) I know I put down my megrez and ironically it's the most expensive piece of equiptment (I paid) for astro in one go and it amazes me what it can pull from the cheap eyepieces iv got a few months ago I was able to use a 4mm celestron elux (normally never bother as its just too high) but the seeing was perfect and I could see Jupiter clear. And I know the whole bigger is better but it's the right size for me to do ap along side (so I don't get bored)

I'll have a look at the Meade thanks :)


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I think for me at least, it's worth putting good quality eyepieces in any scope; they will make the view better. I am more likely to change my scope than my eyepieces as a good set covering all the angles will generally last a lifetime unless you are the sort of person who gets 'fidgety'.

There's not massive differences but they are there.

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It is certainly worth getting the 82 degree ep's, they work great on my smaller C100ED scope, Explore Scientific would be good ones to consider, as they are a very reasonable price at the moment. I picked up one s/h a couple of weeks ago for £80, but they don't come up s/h very often.

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It is certainly worth getting the 82 degree ep's, they work great on my smaller C100ED scope, Explore Scientific would be good ones to consider, as they are a very reasonable price at the moment. I picked up one s/h a couple of weeks ago for £80, but they don't come up s/h very often.

Which one did you get Robin?


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Although I didn't buy them specifically to use in my WO66, I quite regularly use my 17 and 22 t4 anglers in it. They give lovely wide field views, especially under dark skies and, of course, it's highly portable so easier to take with you to those dark sites. The 22 gives around 4.6 degree fov which is fabulous for larger objects, or just trawling the Milky Way.


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I just got first light with my Zenithstar 71mm and had good views with my ES82 11mm... about 2.4 degrees in this scope, gobbled up the Pleiades in one go, was sat there counting stars for ages :D couldn't resist trying the 82 degree with it, although I primarily bought the Hyperion Zoom to go the Zenithstar and that seems to work really well too across the vast majority of the FOV, nice and crisp points of light.

I'd say go for something decent with 68 degree or wider aFOV if the opportunity presents...

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Hi Russ, I got the 14mm, which has had a bad press on this forum I saw afterwards, field curvature someone said, I have not had chance to try it out yet but keeping an open mind.

If my Meade 14mm is anything to go by I'm sure you'll be suitably impressed Robin. It DOES have some FC but it doesn't bother me at all.

I'm very happy with mine and would recommend it to anyone.

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Hi Russ, I got the 14mm, which has had a bad press on this forum I saw afterwards, field curvature someone said, I have not had chance to try it out yet but keeping an open mind.

If a bloke on the internet said it, it must be true! :D

There seems to be alot of debate about whether the FC was only an issue in the Meade and original 'mushroom' ES82s, as opposed to the later N2 purged variety (which are a fair bit bigger), or that it seems to only rear it's head in refractors, or that it's a non-issue depending on your age, or any combination of the above. In other words, nobody agrees on anything except the ES 100 14mm definitely doesn't. To be honest, I've had few opportunities to try anything out this year, but I can't say I noticed it, or I'm just not particularly sensitive to it.

Of course, now I know, I'll be looking for it.


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