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Couple of previews? Space claw, Bubble, Pretzel


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At the moment it feels like I am juggling too many balls. I have quite a few images waiting in the wings as it were to be processed, but no time to do them justice, but still they come, as at the present moment M109 is rolling off the camera.

So I thought I'd post a couple of previews of stuff in the pipeline. All at long focal length and perhaps a bit different to a standard offering.

None of these images have been calibrated, just taken the lights and stacked them, and with M76 combined the Ha and O3 data to see how it looked. Just basic processing.

All images taken with C11EdgeHD and Atik 428ex, with 7nm Baader Ha filter. Binned 2x2 usually.

Thanks for looking, let me know what you think :)



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Some lovely long focal length work Tim, all 3 images are just superb. i'm particularly looking forward to seeing your M109 as I had a quick 5 min shot of this galaxy with my C11, and instantly marked it down as one I must have a go at as soon as the chance arises!!

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Thanks all :) I do plan to get the 0.7 reducer for the edge when it finally arrives Michael, but these are all at native F10 on my trusty old EQ6.

M109 does indeed look very pretty Martyn but it is proving very tricky to get decent Luminance subs for it. Last night was the darkest/clearest chance yet and I got another few hours on it so hopefully there'll be something to show for all that. I like doing M109 last in the night because it allows me to sleep and leave the kit running, although last night I stayed up all night. Starting to feel a bit tired now :)

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