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Mars, Oct 11, good seeing


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Misty but clear this morning with not a breath of wind. Seeing was reasonably good but the transparency wasn't fantastic. Here's my first result of the session showing quite a bit of detail. The "V" shaped Syrtis Major is showing some nice structure and the two "prongs" of the Sinus Gomer are easily seen to the left. In the mists of the North Polar Hood (just below and to the left of the bottom of the tip of the Syrtis Major) you can see Utopia poking through.


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Thanks for the great SGL comments as usual :D

The animation got to the final colour version but I wasn't happy with the way the colour balance changes between frames. Mars is a pig to get the colour right and I'm going to have to re-do from the bottom up to get things working better. The problem stems from the first frame which was recovered from a JPG capture session and isn't as good as the other two. I'll get there eventually...

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Hi Trevor,

You can work out the f-ratio used by the simple equation

F = (206.265 * Dp * Ps) / Pd

Here, Dp = diameter of the planet in pixels as measured off a capture frame

Ps = your camera's pixel size in microns

Pd = the Planets diameter in arcseconds

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Pete, I keep saying to myself, "Surely this man must reach a saturation point." But you don't. These images you create just keep getting jaw gapingly better. I apologize for the word that probably is not in the dictionary.

I shudder to think what you will do with mars at opposition. Someone save me the job of looking up it's diameter at that point please.


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