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Astronomy is my main interest at the moment and stargazing is the perfect opportunity to get familiar with the cosmos. I find so many things within it fascinating and have decided to join this forum so that I can learn a few more things! =) I'm hoping that I'll be able to be more knowledgeable about astronomy soon. Living in this town prevents me from getting the most out of stargazing thanks to light pollution unfortunately, but I can still see some of my favourite constellations at least.

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Hi and welcome to the forum. Agree with Siriusmeg above regarding getting to a dark site, if you can it can certainly make a difference. Perhaps your local astro club has an arrangement with a local land owner to observe from or perhaps there is a community group on here (need to check the communities section listed on the main forum screen) that is local to you or within driving distance?

Hope you can find a means of escaping light pollution - it is a pain for many of us here too!

Clear skies


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Thanks...=) I think we've got an astronomy club in the nearby town, I'll have to ask about getting to a dark site and see if I can get my telescope up there! My neighbours have security lights and I'm surrounded by factories, which is a right pain when you want to see anything. I haven't even seen the Milky Way properly yet so hopefully I'll sort something out.

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