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Hello from Essex


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Hi everyone,

Long time lurker, first time poster!

I've finally taken the plunge and ordered my first telescope, a Celestron CPC 800, which I should be picking up in just about a weeks time. I therefore apologise in advance for the fact that there won't be a clear night for many months and it'll all be my fault. Now I just have to find a way to persuade one of my next door neighbours to switch off some of his 13 secruity lights that he leaves on all night!

I hope to get into astrophotography eventually but first will take my time mastering the basics and learning my way round the night sky.

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Hi there

welcome to the forum. I too am fairly new but the darside (AP) deckoned very quickly and so did the big hole in my credit card LOL

Lots of help and assistance here though, just remember you are not alone :grin:


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Hi and welcome to the forum. Congratulations on getting your new scope and you won't be disappointed with the view. Your right when you mention about taking your time - there's no rush, the stars aren't going anywhere! Steve Richards' book "Making Every Photon Count" (FLO £19.95) is certainly worth getting if astrophotography is the direction you are heading in. Very well written and will contain al the info you need to make an informed decision as to how far you want to go in that direction.

Clear skies for when the scope arrives and hoe you enjoy the forum.


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Hello Hurf,

Sounds like a solid plan you have there! +1 on Making Every Photon Count too. I bought a copy last week - very informative indeed.

As for the cloud, I can only think that there must be lots and lots of folks buying scopes this year, because I have been out a grand total of three times since the start of September. It's not your fault ;)

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