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Man on the Moon

Fordos Moon

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Man left mirrors on the Lunar surface to measure the rate of speed at which the Moon is moving away from earth. If you have a powerful enough laser (and all the computer equipment) and you aimed it in the right place on the Lunar surface, you would get the light from that laser bounced back from the moon to give you the distance.

That would not be possible if humans never went to the moon.

Today, we know the exact speed and distance per annum at which the Moon is moving away from Earth (its moving out of earths gravitational pull).

P.S.~~if you poinbted a laser at those mirrors on the lunar surface................it would bounce back and arrive back here in Earth in about 2.5 seconds.

Thats FACT and also an episode of "The Big Bang Theory" came to the same conclusion.

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I think if someone doesn't want to believe it happened, they will just not believe any evidence you put before them, especially in the age of photoshop and GCI. Anything you show them is likely to be declared as fake, even though the rest of the sane world knows different.

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I said I'd seek evidence! Why have we not gone back or gone further I'm getting, which I guess is a fair question?


It's darned risky and very expensive perhaps are two reasons. The political drive is no longer there either so that's another. Lets not get into the latter though - forum rules and all that :smiley:

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My arguement would be this!!!

the USA were in a space race with Russia. Do you think for a second that the Russians were not watching very closely what was happening and would have immediately cried foul had the whole thing been a hoax?????

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Tis my other half, she likes to question stuff and I'd love to explain why I believe it, the mirrors have helped!

Here is an image of one of those mirrors. Not conclusive evidence in itself, but it is what allows astronomers today to aim a laser at the Moon and the reflected light to be detected by computers which tells us how fast the Moon is moving is moving away from Earths gravitational pull.

Just dont ever ask Buzz Aldrin if you ever meet him if he really went to the Moon because he is likely to punch your lights out.



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Skepticism is healthy so I for one am happy that people still doubt all sorts of stuff, I dont think its ignorance at all.

Skepitcism is one thing I'll grant you but sticking your head in the ground and ignoring the facts is another entirely ! I'm now bored and will unfollow sorry but seen too many of these types of threads on here zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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