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Good luck felix baumgartner!!!!


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What a show. Bit scary when we saw the spin he was in but all ended well. Great landing and some records have been broken.

Also paves the way for the ability for high altitude bail outs in the future.

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Its a brave brave person that goes onto space (or close to) and relies and trusts technology not to fail and keep them alive. I've always said i'd love to go ointo space but watching Felix today........................i'm not so sure now. I think it was the commentators description of how you will die in seconds if exposed to the vacuum of space (or even above "The Armstrong Line").

Sounds like it could ruin your day.

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Very impressive and fun to watch live, but any comparison with the achievement of the moon landings is utterly laughable. And he was only up there for a couple of hours.

Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!

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but i think they're still trying to persuade him to jump lol
Back on the 11Oct Mansnake wrote that and I thought to reply

"naw, just that they are still trying to sort his medication, isnt it LSD wot is supposed to make you think you can fly? :):)"

But I was a coward and thought that if owt went wrong I'd be accused of posting in bad taste !

Pleased that all went well Felix, but gosh !! isnt ordinary life interesting enough ?

PS. much has been made on the media about breaking the sound barrier,

but sadly nothing that I have heard has made anything much about the speed of sound and its effects in a rareified atmosphere, I mean it isnt anything like what Peter Twiss was doing in Fairey Delta 2, was it !

Ooops, edited for speelin of Fairy :-(!

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I don't think anyone is trying to compare the achievement with that of the moon landings, simply that it gave some sense of the excitement and anticipation of those events. I was too young to remember the moon landings so very much appreciated being able to witness this.

We watched on a laptop with no problem throughout. The children got quite involved and excited about it, it's certainly something they will always remember.

All I can say is well done to Felix, very brave man, and well done to Joe, amazingly sharp for an 84 year old, incredibly humble given everything he has achieved in life, and very generous in passing on his experience so his record s could be beaten. Quite nice that he still holds the longest freefall record though.

Jolly good show! :D


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The moon landings were a lot more special in my recollection (if only because my parents allowed my to stay up that late). There was a much longer build up of tension from launch till landing. Still, Baumgartner's jump was amazing. I did worry when he went into that spin, but when he recovered I knew he must be OK.

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