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"Nellie" has arrived!


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Hi all

My dream machine has finally arrived. It took over a year in total but it was well worth the wait. After much deliberation I eventually settled on a C14 Fastar, Paramount ME, Tri-pier 2 + trolley, FLI pdf focuser (not seen), have also got two WO APO's and a brace of Starlight Xpress cameras. The first and only night out so far was an enjoyable session working through Sky 6 and just looking through the C14 and allowing my chin to gently hit the concrete. Am now looking forward to getting on with some imaging when skies permit.

Best wishes and dark, clear skies to all





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Attending star parties with this set up will be out of the question as I don't have any transport apart from a mountain bike and even I am not that good a rider that I can tow an artic trailer, I attended Kelling Heath last weekend with Simon and Elena from Widescreen-Centre who supplied all my kit. I am going to Kielder with them but will only be able to bring my WO 90, it is a shame you can't get a shrinking ray to transport the kit. Kelling Heath was fantastic by the way, brilliant nights on Friday and Saturday. Hope to be sending in some images as they materialise (i.e. when I am not working) as I work permanent nights.




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Glad you like it, I love it!!! At the moment I leave the OTA on when putting it away but take the large dew shield off (in picture) It just about fits in the "elephant house" with the OTA on, when imaging with the WO APO's I will take it off and tuck it into it's nice comfortable warm scopeguard case. I've added the total weight and it is approximately as follows

OTA 45 lbs

Mount 65 lbs

Counterweight bar 10lbs

Counterweights 40lbs

Tri-pier 2 70lbs

Trolley 70lbs

Total weight 300lbs not including cameras, guide scopes, filter wheel, focuser etc.

Nellie certainly is a heavy girl




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;) Wonderful setup! Does that mount pier double up as a giant coffee maker ?? :wink:

Seriously, you are going to have some cracking fun with that lot. Very much looking forward to first light reports and your posts in the imaging section :(


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Have to agree with Chris and say that is 'scope [removed word]'! Gorgeous setup there, but I do feel sorry for those paving stones!

Gordon, there's a few of us heading up (or down) to Kielder, come over and say hello and share a tin or two ;).


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I am very much in favour of sharing a tin or two with anybody at Kielder, or a bottle of nice red wine, look forward to seeing some of you there, I will be there from Friday right through the weekend, lets hope we have the same sort of weather that we had at Kelling Heath, I will be helping out on the Widescreen-centre stand during the day so come over and say hello.

See you all up there.

Best wishes



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[removed word] my eye. There is one beautiful sensuous lady, and I have fallen in love with her. You are a very fortunate guy, after a long wait for her, she finally relented and became yours. I am jealous, but bow to the victor. I hope you will throw us the crumbs of keeping us in touch with the wonders this damsel is going to bestow on you.

Yep, that is one serious bit of kit, and you have to find a way to get it to the big events. It's only fair you let others see this magnificent creature.

Ron. ;)

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Hi Vega

It's funny you should mention about whether the tri-pier doubles as a coffee maker. I use Maxim DL and was having trouble loading one of the plugins so I contacted Cyanogen and they came back with the solution straight away and when I told them my views about the software (brilliant by the way) but I mentioned about a future plugin that would be of great benefit to all the unlucky astroimagers who don't have remote setups and spend all night outside on a cold winters night, I suggested a plugin that could be set to automatically make a nice hot cup of coffee every hour or two, user defineable of course, they actually thought it was a good idea and said "watch this space". I know it was all tongue in cheek but at least they responded. (excellent customer service from Cyanogen and a superb product to boot)

Best wishes



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