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Flaming Star Nebula IC405 from Kelling


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My last image done at Kelling. Once again it is a comparison and combination of Ha and DSLR.

Images are:

1. Kelling Heath Star Party, 13-9-12, Atik383L, Ha 12nm, 3 x 1200secs, ED80, Captured in Artemis at -10 degrees (stong winds)

2. Modified Canon 450D, done over 2 nights, 14th and 15th Sept 2012, 30 x 300secs, 800 ISO, Captured in APT with Dithering

3. Combination of Ha and DSLR, Aligned in Maxim, and processed in Photoshop CS3





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Hi Carole, great job - you've got some really nice data there, but I think you can make it work even better for you. For instance, you have unfortunately lost the blue reflection nebulosity when combining the 2 datasets. This can be maintained by making sure you don't apply too much Ha as luminance to the blue (and green) channels. Some would say none at all, but I think it depends on the quality of the colour data. Here's a combination I processed using my own DSLR colour and another member's (Komet's) Ha CCD data: http://stargazerslounge.com/gallery/image/11128-ic405-collaboration-with-kometdslr-rgb-meha-komet/

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Thanks MGirdwood.

Shibby, I noticed I lost that blue reflection nebulosity, but I am a rank beginner at combining filters, so I am not quite sure I understand your very helpful tip. I've been applying the Ha as a layer and then blending it as luminosity, I can alter the opacity, but not sure how I would do this for different coloured channels.

Any tips on this?



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My methods probably are unusual and don't necessarily lead to a result that pleases everyone! But what I do is create 2 luminosity layers with the Ha. One of which is applied to the red channel only, the other is applied to G+B. You can then play with the opacity of these 2 layers to get the desired results. Normally I end up with the red layer at near 100% and the other at around 50% depending on how good the colour data is. The more you apply the G+B layer, the pinker the reds will become; you can remedy this effect to some extent by applying yet another layer of Ha in blend mode lighten (R channel only). So I end up with this in the layers window:

- Ha applied as luminosity to G+B (~50%)

- Ha applied as luminosity to R (~100%)

- Ha applied in blend mode lighten

- Colour data

Maybe that will help. Hope so!

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Hey Carole. Nice data.

Not sure about using the Ha as a luminosity layer though... have you tried using it in the R channel only of your DSLR image? You can also turn up the brightness in the B channel and/or increase the colour saturation a bit . I usually do several itterations of 10-20 % 'til I hit a colour I like.



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by the way, i've just placed a deposite on the secondhand atik....cant wait!

Jolly good, When I saw it for sale I thought there must be some-one who would be interested.


have you tried using it in the R channel only of your DSLR image?

Yes tried that and it turns everything green.

Some-one advised me to use it as a lumiosity later.

Thanks Michael.


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