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Price for the new Televue Ethos

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Somebody on another board suggested that at that price it could be cheaper to have 1 Ethos and a number of OTA's to vary your magnification :wink:

I guess that price is not too suprising - a 13mm EP with a 100 degree FoV can replace quite a lot of other eyepieces.


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TBH for me to be able to take in a 100 degree FOV I'd need to either insert my head into it or climb in and I'm a big bloke so don't see that happening... $620 is a lot of money...

That said, if anyone brings one to a star party near me watch me push everyone else out of the way to get a look through it :wink:


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TBH for me to be able to take in a 100 degree FOV I'd need to either insert my head into it or climb in and I'm a big bloke so don't see that happening... $620 is a lot of money...

That said, if anyone brings one to a star party near me watch me push everyone else out of the way to get a look through it :wink:


Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!


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But how can the price be reasonable - we can get a 12" Skyliner Dob from Steve for less than that.

I don't think I will be spending that amount of money on a single EP - Naglers are great (82 degree aFOV), but even they require a second mortgage. I will cope with a 100 degree aFOV somehow ..... stress ful as it will be. :wink:


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$620, I guess that means around £500 for us..?

Surely more like £620 for us then in view of past performance. Whatever the real exhange rate is, the astro exchange rate often seems to be fixed not too far from £1=$1 - Hugh

I based the £500 on the fact that a 31mm Nagler is ~$640 in America and ~£500 over here...

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I can't see the point of a 100 degree AFOV?

How many objects have large apparent size and need high mag at the same time.

I'll check with my friend who wrote the piece of the eyepiece design history as he has shown me that anything over 68 degrees distorts the view in some way.

If anyone gets one I would in intrgued to see how it compares to other high quality eyepieces.



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I think there is the idea that ~70 Deg is the maximum the eye can reasonably "take in", without moving around? Wonder if the 13mm Ethos will be one of a series. For increased focal length, I reckon they're already fairly near the field stop limit (16mm?) for 1.25" format. I guess they could (just) make a 24mm 2" version. Or go to some... 3" format? ;)

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I THINK I read somewhere anything over 57 degrees is distorted.

<Wibble warning>

Had an interesting case where my (onetime) "82 Deg" Speers Waler Mk.1 10mm manifestly failed to frame Luna (as calculated!) in one of my scopes. I asked the "sages" about this. One said that this was due to the "distortion" (I tend to BELIEVE that!) used to achieve these wider fields? I sensed (and it is now know) that these eyepieces are of somewhat shorter focal length. Also MAK-sutovs seem to be of somewhat indeterminate focal length too, re. the Spec. But a lesson learned, don't always trust to THEORY re. True FoV? ;)

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I'm not suprised by the price of the Ethos and I suspect there was a similar reaction when the spec and price of the 1st Nagler (also a 13mm) was announced all those years ago. People must have questioned the need for an 82 degree eyepiece and who is going to pay 3x the price of a good standard EP etc. They seem to have been a successful product though ;) - and have provided a benchmark in widefield eyepieces against which others are judged.

Tele Vue stuff has always been expensive - even their 1st products, the plossls, were about 20% more expensive than the competition. However TV stuff is also consistently damm good - the best or, among the best, performers in virtually every product niche they occupy.

As consumers at least we have lots of options, and prices, to choose from today - a couple of decades ago the choice was much more limited.


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I based the £500 on the fact that a 31mm Nagler is ~$640 in America and ~£500 over here...

You're quite right; it's not as bad as it used to be, but it's bad enough. I checked the prices of two scopes that are imported into the US and UK: Omni 120 refractor £486 and $459 and Pentax 75 refractor £749 and $995. Of course the US is a vast market with plenty of big spenders and attracts much more aggressive manufacturer discounts than the UK - Hugh

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Time will tell whether the ethos will sell at this price. Seems a bit of a desperate gamble by TV. There comes a point where the integrity of the view is more important than the field. I don't think the price will be the issue as much as the whole concept.

As for spending £500 on an EP - depends on how much disposable income you have and what your priorities are. Lots of people seem to find thousands to waste on a brand new car and no one bats an eyelid.

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IF you have a habit of buying <f5 telescopes, then skimping on the cost of eyepieces is not wise. I have a 'long term aim' to Naglerise my eyepiece collection and a parrcorr is also likely to figure too, I want to be able to get the best from the scopes I have.



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I based the £500 on the fact that a 31mm Nagler is ~$640 in America and ~£500 over here...

So come over here next year for the Cherry Springs Star Party, buy a couple of Naglers at the Star Party special price, and take them home in your kit, and save the cost of the airfare. It'll be a cheap enough holiday at US prices.

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I based the £500 on the fact that a 31mm Nagler is ~$640 in America and ~£500 over here...

So come over here next year for the Cherry Springs Star Party, buy a couple of Naglers at the Star Party special price, and take them home in your kit, and save the cost of the airfare. It'll be a cheap enough holiday at US prices.

That is seriously tempting especially given the 2 for one $ to £ exchange rate right now ... :shock:


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