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Hello from the Potteries.


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Hello, just about to buy my first scope (decisions, decisions) I feel another 'what scope shall I buy' post is about to appear in the beginners forum! Thanks to all those posters who have got me this far.

:book1:Reading Cosmos by Carl Sagan at the moment read it 20 years ago and its still as wonderful today. If you haven't read it recently, or ever, a good read for cloudy nights.

Here's to some clearer skys.


Eyeballs and loads of LP!

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The 130 is a very good scope. I bought it mainly as the features balanced well with the price. Seemed massive at first, but now I'm well used to it, it seems small (although it actually isn't!)

So far I've had excellent views of Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Moon and Mars, albeit Mars is very small. Also had some great results with M42 and the Beehive Cluster to name but a few. The LP is pretty much the same everywhere - streetlamps are a problem, but its the downside of living in urban areas.

I've recently purchased a SW light pollution filter, which due to the poor weather, I am yet to try out. Although having read about them, I do expect it to work relatively well.

If I could go back and do it all again, I would go for a 200P or even a 250P. The quality and light gathering potential are worth the extra outlay. However, the 130 is a good solid start if you aren't sure if you'll take to it (which I have in a big way) so its a double edged sword really.

I'm going to keep the 130 though for at least another year and maybe look to upgrade when I've had my use out of it, as it is a great scope.

Hope this helps :hello2:


ps - just a thought. When you do order a scope, ring the supplier first to make sure they have them in. I've read on here of some retailers having a shortage of stock of late, so you might order the scope and not actually get it for weeks.

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Thanks Scott very helpful really want a 200P myself but alas no where to store it. Think it's going to be the 150P as a compromise, I want to head out to the Peaks as well as back yard stuff but was worried it wouldn't perform to well at home. You have reasured me on that score. Agree with what you are saying about checking with suppliers, 127s seem to be sold out all over.

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Mmmm, storage is a big issue. We've got a virtually unused spare room, so are very fortunate there. I'm sure the 150P will serve you very well. Its a step up from mine, which as i say, is a very good scope for the price.

Going to head to Ramshaw Rocks myself when the weather improves. I went up there last summer with the bino's one night. It really is a different world away from those suplhur lights!!

Good luck and keep us posted with the eventual purchase :hello2:

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Thanks all of you for your warm welcome. And thanks all for your advice on other forums, it's nice to find somewhere where knowledge is so freely shared (I speak of the whole astro-community), think I'm going to like it here:hello2:.

I have gone from confusion about what kit to but to pretty much making the decision in less that 24 hours ;).

Just putting the last touches to my shopping list.

Thanks again.


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