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Welcome to the South Wales group!


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Yes that's all it is guys turn up and say hello. Jon, the site is a flat car park on the middle of the mountain and that's where we observe. Just park your car up and your good to go. You need to keep an eye on the threads in the s Wales group and matt who's the head honcho will post a date and time then on the day depending on weather conditions give the final go ahead on the day. We were due to have a meet last weekend but the weather conspired against us so weather and lunar position not withstanding I would guess we will have another attempt in the next few weeks. Like I said keep an eye open in the group threads and matt will post details. Be good to see both of you, one word of advice...wrap up warm, three pairs of socks minimum, it can get pretty chilly up there.

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cheers for the info , it might be a possibility for me to attend the next one, as for warm gear i'm a "carp" angler also i have all the gear (and no idea) as i stay on the bank for nights at a time, so got full thermals and boots, sleeping bags bedchairs the works..

although one thing that might throw it for me this next session is my ankle being in a cast and i wouldnt be able to put a sock on it so it may come down to that..

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Hi all, My name is Tony and I live just outside Caerphilly. My son Ryan has recently developed an interest in astronomy and is seriously thinking about buying a 200p dob in the near future. Not having looked through an astronomical scope before I've suggested that it might be a good idea for him to have a look through a 200p or something similar before he forks out his hard earned, just in case his expectations on what can be seen is too great. I used to be the proud owner of a fullerscopes 81/2" newt back in the 70s so have given him a good idea what to expect, but think it best for him to see for himself. So we would very much appreciate if someone would be kind enough to let him have a look through a scope/s at your next meeting as we would very much like to come along. Would love to have a look through a scope again myself too, it would bring back some very fond memories.



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Hello tony welcome to the group:). How far from caerphilly are you from? A few members have the same 200p dob you mentioned so hopefully they can help there:)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk please ignore any spelling typo thingys

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Hi Tony - both Ryan and yourself will be more than welcome to take a look through my 200p if we get the meet this weekend. Personally I'm 50/50 at the moment (Man Flu) and the forecast at this far out doesn't look that brilliant but who knows fingers crossed.

Theres at least 3 200pers with Pete and Ant who regularly attend so there'll be no shortage if you want to check it out - which is a good move on your part by the way.



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That's great - thanks Steve and hope you feel better soon.

We're not familiar with the area but have gleaned directions for the site, shouldn't be too difficult to find - hopefully anyway. Looking at an O/S map methinks the best route from Caerphilly would be via Newbridge, Abertillery to Brynmawr, take b4248 to Blaenavon, then onto b4246 and finally a right turn toward radio masts car park. Obviously easier said than done, especially with me navigating (Ryan's the driver), so it would be a big help if someone who's familiar with that route could let us know about any features etc to look out for.


Tony, keeping fingers crossed for decent weather...

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I think thats probably the shortest way Tony - it sounds like the way I come back when the sat navs in charge. To be honest I usually go accross the heads of the Valleys, drop down into Brynmawr then head accross the Garn Rd. Irs probably longer but its the way I'm confident with.

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Thanks Anthony, look forward to having a look through your 200p. Unfortunately Ryan's just phoned me to say that he can't make it for saturday's meet - his missus has other things planned for the evening and he certainly doesn't want to upset her, at least not before he buys the scope. :smiley: He won't be ordering it until some time in march anyway, so should be time enough for us to attend a future date.


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That's the exact way I go :) I'm from oak dale but living in Ystrad at present but I work in caerphilly:) I'm currently juggling 2 jobs which puts a strain on going but ill be finishing the weekend one soon so as soon as I have I'll let you know as you/Ryan can follow me up:) I am a slow driver tho... Lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk please ignore any spelling typo thingys

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hi tony i'm a newbie to it all as well and after many mind changes and hours of research it looks like i will be choosing a dob 200p seems to be a cracking scope for the money..

and welcome this site is very friendly and as i've found no question is too silly..lol

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Hi sparkyjon, thanks for the welcome. It certainly is a friendly place - I feel like one of the gang already. :)

The 200p does seem to be a well respected scope on the forum. Don't think we can go wrong really.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I'm based in Cardiff. Met some members of Cardiff Astro Soc and they mentioned your group. Would like to join - post code CF3 5 - I registered with SGL some time ago but I think this is my first post. I am also on AIUK but would like to meet local enthusiasts with knowledge of good local dark sites.

Best wishes to all

Rob Lewis

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