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Welcome to the South Wales group!


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Hi guys, Andy from Newport here. just got my first scope, a SkyWatcher Skymax 127. Only had one go due to weather but saw Jupiter and its moons and just about see the bands on the planet. Quick question: what would be a good eyepeice to go for as an upgrade to view planets like Jupiter and Saturn?

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Hi all!

bit of a strange one ...

I'm knobby (Gary) from Essex :D

As I use Tapatalk most of the time I keep straying into the South Wales threads without realizing it until I get home on the PC. I've had numerous chats with Lenny and Steve about wixeys / setting circles / general Dob base mods, its even got to the stage where I've sat navved the route to Blenhavon (3hrs 35 minutes) you never know... :D)

Thought I'd say hello!

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Might be an idea for a weekend away Gary. Pack your gear have a night out in Cardiff on the Friday then come and meet us up in blaenavon on the Saturday, one of us would meet you and show you the way. Have to have a lot of faith in the weather forecasting though, it rains a lot down here lol

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all. I'm just returning to my favourite hobby after a few years ................

I got back into the hobby several years ago, there was a lot to catch up on, technology wise that is.

Welcome to the group. :smiley:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, I'm determined to get out and about with my telescope (Skywatcher Mak 102) and have a lot to learn, not least about recognising more constellations than Orion and Cassiopeia. Although I've had nice views of Jupiter and Saturn, most other things from my back garden look a bit... orange.


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Hi All,

Please excuse my ignorance, but not only am I new to Astronomy, I'm also new to this forum.

Where is the Link/Tab to join this group or is it automatic?

I am from Swansea, living in the SA1 area overlooking Swansea Bay. Yup, as you can imagine, my biggest problem is light pollution and stray light from the floodlights covering the docks and marina.

I even saw an oil tanker on Jupiter, Oops! just a reflection.

Anyway, looking forward to meeting some of you one day



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Paul - welcome again!

Scorp - welcome to the group! I'm pretty new as well, and I think you've found a good starting point, everyone is really helpful here (so far! ;) ) if you click on "Follow this forum" at the top, that should do it. In terms of us lot, there isn't a membership, all are welcome. I'm still trying to make it to one of the meets that are held regularly in Blaenavon (see other posts in this forum.) hope to see you soon.


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Hi All,

Please excuse my ignorance, but not only am I new to Astronomy, I'm also new to this forum.

Where is the Link/Tab to join this group or is it automatic?

I am from Swansea, living in the SA1 area overlooking Swansea Bay. Yup, as you can imagine, my biggest problem is light pollution and stray light from the floodlights covering the docks and marina.

I even saw an oil tanker on Jupiter, Oops! just a reflection.

Anyway, looking forward to meeting some of you one day



Hi Scorp,

No links, tab or secret handshake :grin: , just click onto topics as in other threads. Hopefully, there will be an observing session this Saturday evening, weather permitting. Matthew will usually make the call early in the afternoon / evening, as to if the Meet is a Go or Not. He is close to the site location, and can save some of us from a long drive if the conditions are bad. Keep an eye on the current "Observing Session" thread. There are also Map coordinates for the site somewhere in the posts.


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Thanks Mike, Transport could be a problem, even with a bus pass I don't think the bus driver would appreciate me lugging all my gear on-board. LOL. I'll have to wait for one of my sons to give me a lift. Still, looks like I'm going to enjoy this Forum, I've had a good welcome and everyone seems very friendly. Thanks again. Pete. PS. sorry about the long paragraph, my return key isn't working on this site.

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Hi All, Thanks for the welcome, I should have quoted my last post. It was a direct reply to L8-Nite, but of course it is there for everyone. A little update about myself. Recently retired I decided to take up Astronomy (so far so good), I live in an Apartment block, SA1 area, overlooking Swansea Bay. Most of my viewing so far has been from my balcony, Views to the North and East are totally blocked by my building, but I have a fair view of the South and West. Light pollution is my biggest problem, especially stray light. To help with this I bought some dense, black Pond Liner and made a blackout covering my whole balcony, (comes down in the day or my Mrs would throw a wobbler) works great and cuts the stray light completely. I bought a Celestron 114EQ just to try things out, but I guess when time and money permits I will be upgrading. On the few clear nights we've had since I started this hobby I have been fascinated by what I've observed, mostly the moon and Jupiter, Saturn was in the East and wouldn't become visible for me until around 4am, sods law, after waiting up it clouded over. Anyway, I'm looking forward to sharing my exploits and photos with you. Hopefully I won't stretch your minds too far, as I think I'm going to need loads of tips and advice. Cheers All, Pete. PS Sorry about the long paragraph, my return key don't work here.

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You never know, perhaps your son might take an interest in Astronomy also. :smiley:

They already are. Spent a few nights together sharing the eyepiece, Thinking of getting an eyepiece digital camera so we can watch on my computer. :grin:

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  • 4 months later...

Hi I am from Fochriw, top end of the Darren valley, but spen most of the summer in Brecon where I help run a caravan and camping site I would like to join your group, I am a newb just started my journey amongst the stars,

I have just purchased my first scope it is a skywatcher 130P AZ goto :smiley:

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Hi again dai, good time to join as the winter nights are just on the horizon.keep an eye open in this section over the next few weeks and no doubt matt or pat will post details of the next meet which you'll be welcome to come along to. We meet. Up on the blorenge just outside blaenavon. Its quite informal and friendly I'm sure you'd enjoy it.any how's welcome on board once again.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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Hi all, just introducing myself on here! Just taken up astronomy, I live in Neath Abbey on the side of a big hill which is south facing, so I get a lovely view of the valley below me (when my trees are cut!) but sadly can't see anything north due to my house/trees/great big hill. Been playing around with my scope for the past week or so just experimenting and learning how to use it properly.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Johnny,


I have a north facing garden in my house, and I can tell you, south is better.  Due to the rotation around Polaris, all of the northern objects will be overhead at some point in the year, and the objects nearer to the celestial equator are only visible in the southern sky.  Sounds like a lovely spot for stargazing!


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