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Hello from Aberdovey


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Hello everyone!

Rekindling this hobby after 30 year break! Started with a 3" refractor from what, on reflection (!), could well have been a Christmas cracker. It served quite well, however; I remember seeing Jupiter, Saturn and the Orion Nebula. Views of the Moon were great. Pinpointing the objects and tracking them was not!

Now substantially older I confess to become interested once more after some very good programmes recently, such as Stargazing Live, etc.. It was also my six-year-old who started asking questions about stars and planets, most of which I couldn't answer! And my wife is now interested, too!

I live in Aberdovey, Mid-Wales, with very good dark skies when available. I/we have started naked eye and binocular observing, trying to get (re)aquainted with the constellations and navigation. No doubt we'll invest in a 'scope at some point later this year, though in no particular hurry. Reading the advice offered on this forum I think I'll make a very informed choice!

Not sure if there's much in the way of clubs or activities in this region. A quick trawl of the 'net didn't find much locally. It would be great if there were some like-minded hobbyists in the area.


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Hi Reeve and welcome to the forum. Good idea to take your time regarding scope purchases and as they say, "...the stars aren't going anywhere!" Any research into kit should always include actually looking through some kit first (a lot of people don't) in order for you to formulate your own ideas of what will meet your own expectations - need something from which to hang all those numbers and specifications from.

One recommendation to get you started though would be to download a free piece of planetarium software called "Stellarium" and you can view it here. Its easy to use and great for all the family to learn how the night sky works, where some of these well known objects are and when they are available to see. There are lots of other "toys" on it to keep you occupied when its cloudy. You can also configure it to your location in order to view the sky effectively from your own garden.

Clear skies for now but don't forget to ask us any questions after all, "...a daft question is the one you don't ask".


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hi and welcome from me please do not get a skywatcher 150p ,you will be told its a good scope,lots buy this scope and with in months ,decide its rubbish and put them up for sale .choose wisely and try a few other sites like sgl to see what people think,make sure you shop around for your astro gear all shops offer the same service and delivery service some offer discounts some do not.

sounds like you are looking forward to all the stars again do not spoil it with the wrong advice ,to be a lot of "starter scopes" are not really that good.hope you and your family enjoy your nights out.

cheers pat

clear skies always

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