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A few DSO's - 19-07-07


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Heres a few more dso's from tonight:


(click to enlarge)

M13 10x30 secs stacked, again as with my M57, I had trouble using the raws and dark frame, I've uploaded the raw captures and jpgs to: http://iseestars.net/M13.zip (114mb), please feel free to have a play :D


(click to enlarge)



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Unknown! Please help!


(click to enlarge)

Unknown 2, Please help!

The two unkown ones were taken randomly from the guided tour feature on my eq6, I think one might be the Eagle Nebula and the other is the Lagoon Nebula but thats pure guesswork? Any ideas?



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I agree Russ, my guess would be the Swan for the last one. If you [removed word] your head 90 degrees clockwise - you can see that a little easier.

The other one - haven't a clue - I'll have a search tonight on SN if you want. Sounds like you were facing south - that'll help...

Great going Grant.


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The second 'mystery photo' is definitely M17,and a good one! Personally I always see a duck rather than a swan.

The first, I'm pretty sure,judging by the dark lanes, is M20, also in Sagittarius,although I sit to be corrected.



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Pixie dust :D

Lets see:

Deep Sky Stacker to stack the images + dark frame

loaded into PSCS

Levels to generally make the brightest stars even brighter (they were very dim to start with)

Curves to make the dimmer stars brighter (but without over bloating the bright stars)

Noel's Actions to increase star colour

some unsharp masking

resize, crop, save, upload, post link...

I think that pretty much covers it.

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did you, by any chance, stack them in DSS, and see the on-screen washed out and screwed final version and think "thats Rubbish"? If so, thats nothing like what is in the file if you save it to disk.

I have to say though that the image DSS spat out wasnt that different to what you had posted originally... a bit sharper maybe, but not by much

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Would that be because they were only 30 second shots so there wasn't much noise etc... for the stacking to make any difference? What you describe is exactly what happened in DSS, it looked rubbish so I gave up :D

I've just received my (now working) serial camera cable so next time, I should be able to leave it running and get much longer exposures...

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