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Baader Hperions- 0ver rated (vastly)

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The hyperions are very good and I'm glad I own a couple. Their multicoatings are excellent almost completely eliminating light scatter and the view is very sharp in a slow scope. There are of course better EPs available at a much higher price.

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I have noticed (in my 38 years of observing) that Eyepieces work differently in different Telescopes.. I am a big fan of the WA or UWA eyepieces. I wouldn't judge an eyepiece without trying it in different F/ length Telescopes.... I Love observing and I observe quite often...Clear Skies and ENJOY !!!

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I read the sellers description of that eyepiece carefully. There was also the suggestion of artifacts inside the eyepiece. I suspected that the eyepiece had been opened up at sometime by a previous owner and possibly the lenses have been removed (for cleaning ?). I just wonder if there was a substantial reason that it was being sold for 35% of it's normal used price - that seller knows their stuff I reckon.

No problems if the Hyperion design is not for you though, thats often the way with eyepieces. You should certainly be able to get what you paid for it back again.

I nearly bought that EP ... Astronomia? The cheap price put me off, good luck with it tho., maybe they'll refund?

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This was my verdict regards Hyperion's and BST explorers

http://stargazerslounge.com/members-equipment-gallery/167482-finally-bst-firm.html http://stargazerslounge.com/members-equipment-gallery/171660-seconds-out-round-4-a.html

The hyperion's do suffer in faster scopes but are great in my f/9. Some EP's work well in fast scopes while others don't. It's always good to research EP's before you buy them and when taking advice to note what scope or scopes the adviser has. I myself have been happy with the hyperion's but I am happy to make the compromise regards edge performance as I know from experience how expensive it becomes otherwise. I have owned several types of EP's from Revelation plossl's to Naglers and if you look for them you will see aberrations in all of them. The difference tends to be the more you spend the better controlled those aberrations are. This may not seem so between BST's & Hyperion's as I think the higher cost of the hyperion's are due to the modular design and maybe the extra demands a wider fov brings on the manufacturer. The BST's are superb eyepieces and offer great views for there cost but they are what they are and you can't attach DSLR's or use fine tuning rings to achieve other FL. Not everyone's cup of T but this is what I meant by researching EP's before buying them. If no frills good views are what you want then BST's are hard to beat.

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  • 2 months later...

I have recently aquired a 13mm Hyperion (bought new) and was able to test it fully last night in a F5 Newtonian, I found the wide field very pleasing with a sharp image out to around 80% of the field, after that it did degrade slightly but I really had to "look over there" to see it, as my normal practice of viewing stuff is to centre the object of interest, everything else being somewhat background, I have no complaints so far. Last night I was able to see 5 moons of Saturn, Cassini and the cloud belt clearly, also several double stars down to a separation of 4", which is not a tight split, but the splits was nice and clean, very clear (the 13mm renders a magnification of 76X in this scope (which is a Helios, an early version of the skywatcher 200mm F5's).

One other reason I bought this eyepiece was that it got good reviews and was rated to have a good contrast, something I wanted for fainter DSO's, but at this time of year when the sky isn't dark it isn't suitable to test that against my other eyepieces that I use for most DSO observations, the 10 and 200mm symmetrical/plossl lenses that came with the scope. Later on once I have been able to make such a comparison I will post up the result in this thread.

For me at least, so far, I am very happy with the purchase, I intend to further add to my set with a 15mm and an 11mm TV plossl, that will complete my requirements. (anyone got any SH ones for sale?)

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I have a 24mm Hyperion and, generally, am pleased with the results in my f10 SCT. However I agree that a good eye position is not always easy to find and that's not helped, for me at least, by the fixed rubber eye cup. I got a new BST 15mm yesterday and have to say it's a lot more comfortable and "natural" to use, in large part due to the nice twist up adjustable eye cup.

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I agree with the OP, I much prefer the BST Explorers to the Baader Hyperions, much more comfortable for half the price - epic! I have the BH 24mm, 17mm, and 8mm so I have really tried them, the 17mm is the best. But what I most don't like is how easily the rubber eyecups just flick off in the dark. Quality and eye comfort are key issues for me.

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It is like most things in life isn't it - ask a few people and you end up with a few different answers. What suits some people, doesn't suit others The only Baader Hyperion I own is the zoom and it was bought for only one reason, so that I only had to take one EP with me to cut down on the amount of stuff I have to lug to a dark site. I read all the reports here on SGL and it had good reviews so I bought one and have been pleased with it. Can't say fairer than that really. :smiley: :smiley:

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