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Very hazy here too :blob10: - hardly any stars to see. Still better than last night - I could only make the planets out and not a single star with naked eye yesterday (very light polluted at my location, and the haze was just like an orange blanket over everything!).

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Its a little hazy here along the horizon, but at the zenith or close to its pretty clear, not perfect, but for me, good enough. Im enjoying a pint in the garden in my T-shirt since its still pretty warm here :blob10:

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Oh dear, i count myself one of the lucky ones then!

Without rubbing it in, its quite nice to sit out in a tshirt and do some imaging under reletively 'ok' conditions, whether my images come out good or not, thats a different matter altogther! lol

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im on emergency call out for gas company so no beer:( and it's still thermal weather up here

So take your scope and sit in a boilerhouse use the electric to run anything you need, I too am a commercial heating engineer. while your there your getting paid.


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So take your scope and sit in a boilerhouse use the electric to run anything you need, I too am a commercial heating engineer. while your there your getting paid.


i'm the outside guys [formerly transco] so all i do is dig holes outside :blob10:

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According to BYE its 16.7c here, but i highly doubt that, its probably 10-11c to be honest, still, nice though :blob10: BUT.....i think the haze is creeping in a lot faster than i thought! :o

So could be packing up soon myself

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i'm the outside guys [formerly transco] so all i do is dig holes outside :o

As we say "the TOFO men are hear" ... Turn Off F*** Off

According to BYE its 16.7c here, but i highly doubt that, its probably 10-11c to be honest, still, nice though :blob10: BUT.....i think the haze is creeping in a lot faster than i thought! :p

So could be packing up soon myself

Yeah Upper gornal in Dudley is orange at the moment.

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I stand corrected, its still 'ok' here LOL :blob10: so making the most of it.

Ill be out here as long as i possibly can i think! Although the forecast for the next week is looking pretty promising :o

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Yep totally agree with Scarlet, if i can see stars, ill be imaging....lol be a wasted night otherwise, and i know for FACT id be curtain twitching thinking "its still clear i can see stars!!!" With the Mrs saying "Well go setup then!" lol

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What is it that's causing such bad seeing?

High pressure weather system causes an inversion that traps all the warm polluted air in the lower atmosphere. It's nice and warm because of it, but the price we pay is shabby seeing.

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the seeing here is actually quite decent but there's a tremendous amount of haze making transparency really poor. even with a 16" scope galaxies are almost invisible. Garradd is just about visible at the Zenith but that's with good aperture. Mars is revealing good detail and will have a look at Saturn later I hope.

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Almost country wide inversion trapping all the pollution, plus imported cack from Europe.

Also, although it doesn't look cloudy, it actually is. Fairly uniform layer of high level cirrus and has been for past day or so, mainly caused by contrails.

But I've just spent two hours on planets and clusters on the 180mak and it's been great. Mars and Venus both a bit easier on the eye as well. :blob10:



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