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Everything posted by redneon

  1. I initially thought of a travel bag or something with a load of internal compartments but the flight case looks like it'd be a much more secure option. Presumably you cut the foam with a Stanley knife or something as required?
  2. I've been away from the hobby for a number of years due to lack of time (and or simply being too tired in the evenings) after having kids. We've recently moved house and now I have a bit more free time I'm digging out my gear and planning to jump back in to the hobby. I'd really like to find some kind of case, maybe a travel case or something, to store all of my gear (lenses, binoculars, red light torch etc.) and keep it organised whist I'm out observing. I used to keep everything in a bag for life before which is obviously far from ideal. Does anyone have any recommendations?
  3. redneon

    Pleiades and Lovejoy

    The Pleiades and Comet Lovejoy from the 16th January.
  4. redneon


  5. redneon

    Saturn Processed

    From the album: Saturn

  6. redneon

    Saturn 2 AS2

    From the album: Saturn

  7. redneon

    Saturn 2 Registax 6

    From the album: Saturn

  8. redneon


    Jupiter shots.
  9. From the album: Jupiter

    My processing attempt of the previous image. Happy with this.
  10. redneon

    Jupiter Processed 2

    From the album: Jupiter

    The previous image kindly processing by michael.h.f.wilkinson.
  11. redneon

    Jupiter Processed

    From the album: Jupiter

    The previous image kindly processed by nephilim.
  12. redneon


    From the album: Jupiter

    Took this on the evening of 15/01/2013. Happy with it given the amount of freezing fog in the air. Taken with SkyWatcher 150PL and Philips SPC880/900 webcam and stacked in Registax 6.
  13. redneon


    These jupiter shots are really nice. I've got the 150PL too but haven't been able get anywhere near this level of detail. Did you use a webcam?
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