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Yeah, i like to see the stars...


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Hi there everybody!

I'm Ishidori from Dominican Republic, by the way i'm a guy.

My english is not so good, you'll have to excuse me any mistake. 14 years ago, or so, -i'm 26 years old now- my big sister had a scientific magazine in her house, there was a special article about stars and constellations that touched me until this very day -and i can assure it will for the rest of my life-; since then i'm interested in astronomy. Later Carl Sagan become a real inspiration to me.

Though, until a few months ago i'd never thought of getting serious into astronomy, in febraury i joined to an astronomical society here in my country. Actually i want to give my first step into the astronomy, and that's stargazing. It's funny because all the time i thought that to explore the sky i needed expensive equipment - i mean, to see thing that you can't see with naked eyes-, but the guys in the astronomical society suggested me to start with binoculars (10x50), they're cheap and i can see many objects of the deep space.

I think is great way to learn much about the sky, so i came to stargazerslounge looking for proper help in my task :) Sorry if i extend my intro too long.

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Hi Ishidori and welcome to SGL, you will probably have some very dark skies where you are and your binoculars should reveal a wealth of interesting targets, download the free program Stellarium, if your Astro club has not told you about it already, it will help you navigate the night sky :)


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Hi Ishidori and welcome to SGL, you will probably have some very dark skies where you are and your binoculars should reveal a wealth of interesting targets, download the free program Stellarium, if your Astro club has not told you about it already, it will help you navigate the night sky :)


Unfortunally, i live in the city and there's some annoying light, there are many motels with neon lights, some mall, nightclubs -people here really like to dance, too bad i have two left feet-.

But if you move a few kilometers (or miles) from Santo Domingo to places like Baní (my hometown) or Azua -both in the south of DR- you can get a real starry sky. In fact the group i mentioned before is planning to build an observatory in Azua, but you know, that requires some resources -money :)-.

Ags, i'm glad you liked my country.

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