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Help, Eastwood light pollution


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Hiya All,

I am fairly new to the area (Eastwood Nottingham), and am looking to find the best place to set up my scope to view the heavens, All I can see at night is solid light pollution.

Here is a plan, if anyone else feels the same as me, if you give me your support I would be happy to approach the council in regards to them saving money by either using a lower wattage bulb in the street lights in Eastwood and surrounding areas, or turn them off in the week after 11.30pm say Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday, Keep them on Friday and Saturday night till later around midnight or 1am...

They save money we get to see the sky as it should be.

Or can anyone tell me were in or around Eastwood I could take my scope, I do have a car, and would happily take other with me if it were not to far.

Thanks and Kind regards Mark ;)

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Hi Mark and welcome to the forum. I can appreciate how you feel regarding light pollution as it's pretty bad here in Bristol. When I was growing up, I thought that the only stars you could see with the naked eye were in the cinema or during the beginning and the end of Star Trek!;):D

I wish you luck with the idea of approaching your local council as it would appear that there could be many interested parties that would benefit. You will certainly have better success with commercial lighting as those companies have more autonomy but with street lighting, perceptions of increase crime levels are a lot harder to overcome but of course there is no harm in trying..;)

Wishing you clear (darker) skies


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Hi welcome to SGL.

You might find it useful to refer to the County Councils plans to part turn off village lights. This is part way through a 4 year programme. Sadly villages only. But you never know your luck. There might be a dark place near to you. Or you might encourage them to consider other areas.

Good luck.

Almost forgot. Do look up East Midlands Stargazers group on SGL.

Very friendly crowd of people with access to two dark sites.

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Hi and welcome to SGL. If you approach your council re-turning off the lights and saving money, you can give my Council (Suffolk County Council) as an example. They turn off the majority of street lights in Lowestoft after midnight. Its great! There has been no explosion of crime or road accidents. Actually its a lot quieter now as most of the local hard men and heavy drinkers appear to be afraid of the dark!

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Hi Mark,

Welcome on board............ light pollution is brilliant if you are in a commercial airliner flying from Glasgow to London, as you can tell where you are from the amount of light shining up from the big cities!!!!!

However, on the ground trying to see stars it is a total disaster, expensive and unnecessary. Our village now is switching the lights off at midnight...

I was up in Galloway star gazing with some friends last week and boy is it dark.

If you want to experience dark skies then see details of the 4th Galloway SP to be held at Kirkinner in November 2012.


It is a very friendily event and tons of help available for starters.

Once again, welcome



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Hi Mark and welcome to SGL ;)

There's an observing group on here with two dark sites in your area. Check out East Mids Stargazers on the blue communities bar half way down the main page. Leave an intro and the guys will say hi - enjoy the forum ;)

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