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I would like to introduce my self by first saying that i have only just got in to astronomy a few of weeks ago, i have been meaning to for quite some time now, anyway, i took the plunge and bought my self a Celestron AstroMaster 130EQ along with the AstroMaster Accessory Kit, i know these lenses aren't the best but they should get me by for now, i had my scope out properly for the first time a few weeks ago and did a quick polar alignment using my latitude and a compass, it didn't turn out so bad as i was looking at the Moon with what seemed to be perfect clarity, i then took a look at Jupiter and all four of it's moons, the polar alignment can't have been to shabby as i was able to track both objects across the sky with RA adjustment only, well i say only, i had to make the odd DE adjustment now and then, not bad i thought, also, a few days ago i fitted a Telrad finder and set out to find Saturn and Mars, this was on the 18/02/2012, i found them with ease, and when i viewed Saturn for the first time it was a real WOW moment, the Telrad was well worth the investment, really enjoying it.

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Thanks for the warm welcome guys.

Hello and welcome to SGL, glad you are enjoying your new scope. Seeing Saturn for the first time is amazing, The only word to describe it is WOW. What did you think of Mars ? Happy gazing.

I didn't get that good a look at Mars, the best i could do was with a 15mm ep and a x2 barlow, hopefully i'll do better next time with a more powerful ep and better seeing.

Welcome to SGL, if you download Stellarium there are option to have the Telrad rings overlayed on the screen..:D

Thanks for the suggestion, but i've been using Stellarium since i got my scope, i also use "Mobile Observatory" on my android tablet and phone, i have contacted the developer of this app and it seems he has plans to add the Telrad overlay as well as the hour angle/DE just like in Stellarium, great app.

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Thanks guys, if it's a clear night tomorrow i'm thinking about going to the Saltergate car park at Hole-of-Horcum on the A169 or the top of Sutton Bank on the A170, i was at the car park at Hole-of-Horcum one night and i couldn't even see past my hand in front of me, it was that dark.

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