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Heya from Herefordshire - noob alert


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Hi. Im just introducing myself. Im a happily married, 36 year old Aussie female who lives in the UK with my husband and puppy. I've been interested in astronomy for a few years now but now want to take it further than occaisionally staring up at the night sky going 'oh wow, there's Orion's belt'.

I don't have much in way of equipment, only a pair of binoculars. Apart from that, I just have always had a deep curiosity about what is beyond our planet. :)

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Welcome to SGL. It is good to see another member from Herefordshire. As well as a huge amount of info you will gain from SGL I can also advise you of the Herefordshire Astro Society that meets at the Kindle Centre next to the Asda Store in Hereford City.

The society meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm and on the 2nd February there will be a talk on the Life and Times of Sir Edmund Halley.

Come along if you fancy. Which part of Herefordshire do you live?


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Welcome to SGL. It is good to see another member from Herefordshire. As well as a huge amount of info you will gain from SGL I can also advise you of the Herefordshire Astro Society that meets at the Kindle Centre next to the Asda Store in Hereford City.

The society meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm and on the 2nd February there will be a talk on the Life and Times of Sir Edmund Halley.

Come along if you fancy. Which part of Herefordshire do you live?


I live about 30 mins south from Asda, but wouldn't be able to get to a meeting since my DH works afternoon shift, and takes the car. Pity, a talk on Hailey sounds interesting.

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