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Stargazing Live!

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It was good to see that when showing the outside broadcast with the local astronomy group that the images of objects used where of a similar nature to what you would see through the eyepiece.

Begineers often get misled by the packaging on cheap telescopes of bright colourful images and this often leads to disappointment.

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Yes, I thought it was a much better show than last years. At least Johnathan Ross isn't on this years show! It was also good to see views through a scope like what you would see yourself, as you say BeyondVision. I would love to take some of those pictures shown on the show! :-(

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It was good to see that when showing the outside broadcast with the local astronomy group that the images of objects used where of a similar nature to what you would see through the eyepiece.

Begineers often get misled by the packaging on cheap telescopes of bright colourful images and this often leads to disappointment.

thats a good point , i wonder if they picked up on that after last years feedback.

i thought the whole programe is well made. not to deep as to put people off.

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Better show than the first series, I thought.

The first series tried to do everything at once and felt a bit dis-jointed. This one seemed to take its time without becoming ponderous for newcomers.

Nice realism about where to start, equipment and what you'd expect to see with it and a lovely Cernan interview.

Slightly annoyed when Liz Bonnin cut across the gentleman's brief explanation of Omega Centauri. She probably had someone screaming in her earpiece, so i'll forgive her. :D

Look forward to tomorrow.

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I agree, I think they listened to the feedback from last year and as a result it was much better. if I did have a criticism it would be that as they actually had a clear night it would have been good to have had more outside stuff and to have kept the inside/SA stuff for the following couple of nights when the forecast isn't so good. But then they couldn't plan for a clear sky!


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I agree, I think they listened to the feedback from last year and as a result it was much better. if I did have a criticism it would be that as they actually had a clear night it would have been good to have had more outside stuff and to have kept the inside/SA stuff for the following couple of nights when the forecast isn't so good. But then they couldn't plan for a clear sky!


I enjoyed it too and much better than last year :D

I agree there should have been much more outdoor live stuff but with the backup plan for the cloudy skies though!

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I thought it was great and lady luck shone upon us tonight in the shape of clear cloudless skies.

The main thing behind the programme was about firstly watching the show then going outside afterwards and looking at the stars. Hopefully recruited a few more newbies off the back of tonights programme.

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They definitely learned a few things from the first series. Though I was disappointed that they effectively "wasted" what could be the only clear night. Apart from a few squints through a telescope they didn't actually do any live stargazing. I was hoping that at the very least they'd give people a quick run-through of what's where, what can be seen (on the actual night in question) and how to recognise the basic constellations.

Instead, it appeared to me that they had a script and they were going to stick to it, no matter what. So they spent a huge amount of time talking about the Moon - even though it wasn't visible and had set-piece segments (that really didn't need to be live) such as with the Apollo 17 guy.

it was good that they did spend a few minutes explaining about the basic telescope types, but I can't help thinking that the programme STILL isn't living up to its title.

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I enjoyed the programme and it was an improvement over last years.

I agree that it could have been titled "Talking in a studio while others are Stargazing Live" for much of the time though :D

I was pleased to see an effort to represent the real views through amateur scopes - that should help expectation management a bit :)

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I echo the comments that it was better than last years, and agree that given the title, and the fact that they were blessed with a clear moonless night whilst on air, that they should of made more of what you can see in the night sky, and with what sort of equipment. It would truly be "stargazing live"

It would of also been a good opportunity to of made the program a full hour and a half and jumped to a few local regions to see what local AS's are doing in those areas, a bit like they do for children in need.

Other than that, I enjoyed it, even if, like most live programs, there was the odd hic-up.

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Compared to what I've read online, I thought their discussion of equipment was a bit sketchy. Obviously it's a TV show with finite duration, but I still wonder if they could have been clearer, and hopefully no-one ends up buying 15x70s based on the show and struggling with the shakes.

My mum was watching, and mentioned she didn't understand the explanation of tides. I though it was misleading myself, it made it sound like the tides make the entire oceans go round the world every day.

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I assume that by calling it "Stargazing Live" they don't mean that it's live stargazing, but that it's about stargazing, and it's live.

I enjoyed it though. Most of it was very informative. I would have liked to have seen more "this is what's in the sky right now and this is what it looks like" type stuff. I can't really get on with Liz Bonnin, which is as shame as it's not like she's just there as eye-candy. Or perhaps she is, but there's no reason for her to be. She's far from dumb. Good to see them acknowledging that astrophotography is far from simple despite the results that can be obtained with (relatively :D low-cost kit.

I look forward to tomorrow night's show. And to Betelgeuse exploding on 21st December :)


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