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Jupiter and 4 MOONS


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Hello everyone , so i get my telescope i picked up last year out the cupboard , find a video on you tube about collimating reflectors and had a go my self , after about an hour playing with the optics i get it looking pretty good so i point it out my window at the only thing i could see in the south and i get this , its a drawing but its what i saw . Im i right in saying this is Jupiter with europa and calisto , galemede .


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Hi barry, it is indeed jupiter and it's 4 moons - Io, Europa, Ganemede, and Callisto.

You'l be able to pull more detail out of it with some simple steps - things like observing from outside, letting the scope cool down for 30 minutes or so, don't observe over tarmac, and don't observe over the top of houses. All of these things help to reduce the rippling and other odd effects caused by thermal differences in the air. It can be the difference between seeing a blurry jupiter with 2 stripes (almost like looking from the bottom of a swimming pool), to seeing a crystal clear jupiter complete with 4 or more stripes, great red spot, and other interesting surface features.

Welcome to the forum. :)

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Hi Barry and welcome. If you point a telescope out a window the warm air inside goes out and disturbs the view you get and not just a little! So put on some warm clothes, set up the telescope outside and you'll be surprised how much better the view of Jupiter is. Good luck.

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