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Dear Santa


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Please can you bring me a HEQ5 Pro with with an OO VX6 scope with 1/10 PV optics. While you're about it, don't forget the Baader MPCC and the laser collimator.

For my long-suffering partner: a 5mm hyperion with fine tuning rings and a matching set of narrowband filters would be perfect.



PS: I've given to charity blah blah blah this year, so I expect you to make this happen!

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Dear Santa,

I would be grateful if you could bring me a modest present in form of a SW Solid-tube 12" Dobsonian with one or two Hyperions thrown in, and, please, no frigging socks this time!

No, not really - the things I yearn for the most to have are not of material nature.

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Dear Santa,

please could I have 2x Pentax XW eyepieces and a manual altaz mount suitable to host a 6" f/5 Newtonian.

I have been good this year and I promise that I will use them to show members of the public all that the night sky has to offer. (well maybe not through the Pentaxes but some Rev Plossls I have kicking around in the bottom of the box)


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I'll second that the weather in Anglesey has been really bad and when the sky has been clear there is always a strong wind.

I miss the weather on Anglesey.

I have been a very very good boy (creep) and could I have a 8mm Radian please please.

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Dear Santa,

It's only 6 numbers in a row that I'd like you to put in right order.

25% is yours if you do this for me.

I'll get back to you all in the New Year with all the Astro goodies i get with the proceeds of my ill gotten gains.

Just realised the probability of being struck by an asteroid is more likely......

Dear Santa,

Please can I have a pack of Paracetamol.

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