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Hello from Surrey


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Just thought I would say hello as I am new to the forum. My name is Austen hence the user name. I am really interested about astromony and astrophotography and have been for many years. Finally I have made a decision to go for it mostly because I go on holiday to South of France frequently. Where we stay had very little light pollution which I thought I should take advantage of it. While talking to my brothers girlfriend who is also very interested asked me if I wanted to borrow her telescope which is a win-win situation for me. I am doing my gcse's at the moment and want to go to university and study astro-physics. I am going to choose maths, further maths, physics and chemistry at A-Level. Anyway back to astromony, I have been reading about the basics now for around 3-4 weeks so I know most of the basics.

Well thats a bit about me and I hope I can learn some new techniques from the forum from everyone


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Welcome to SGL, Austen. I once lived in Lowfield Heath in Surrey. I suspect the village is gone, swallowed by Gatwick. I made a 10 inch Newt there as a teenager. I went to University College London for an astronomy degree, then Manchester for a PhD. I spent about 15 years working in astronomy (High Altitude Observatory in Boulder, VLA radio telescope in New Mexico) before drifting into software development and becoming an amateur astronomer again. I had small observatories in Colorado and Arizona, now I'm setting up something bigger in New Mexico.

Good luck whether as an amateur or professional astronomer! You'll find lots of help in SGL


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