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Kelling Heath - images from the event

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Hi folks

Hope no one minds me starting a little thread of images from Kelling this weekend. I didn't go around and take any images of the event per-se this time, just some astro shots and night shots...

I saw some of the pics some of the other imagers were getting and I'm pretty ashamed to even put my 'holiday snaps' up by comparison, bute here goes anyway :-)


This is a self portrait with the Milkyway in the background, taken about 4:00am on Sunday morning during one of the lovely clear patches. Taken with a single 30 sec exposure at ISO1600 using my Eos 20D.


Moon at dawn... the thin crescent moon began rising about 4:30 - 5:00am so I snapped a few shots of it. Trees lit with red torch :-) I don't know what's causing the two difraction spikes coming out of the moon, but they're present on all my pics and weren't actually there visually. Looks quite cool though :-)


Here's the moon shot a bit closer.


'Welcome back Orion!' Just as I was packing up as the sky was brightening at dawn on Sunday morning I swung the mount round and got two 2min subs on M42 and Orion's sword... This is very cropped as it was shot with the Meg72, but I'm moderately impressed with the amount of detail for 4mins of data!


Yes, grainy and noisy as hell itself... but this is 45mins of useable 100 sec subs on M31 after I gave up with the guiding fiasco. Considering how little data there seemed to be in the subs, I'm fairly happy with what I've managed to drag out of it. I'm not even gonna post this on the DSI forum as it's TOO poor, but another hour or more of data will hopefully smooth it out.

Well, that was me for the weekend, looking forward to seeing what everyone else got!


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I think you are being too harsh with yourself, Ben...

Great "self portrait" - Nice... gotta hurt to stay in that position for 30s! :p

The crescent Moon was extremely bright, wasn't it... almost eerie.

Nice capture of M42.. especially considering how quickly it got light when it started.

As for M31... noisy as it may be, nicely processed to keep the core & dust lanes.


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Thanks both, you're FAR too kind :-)

I've seen good Andromeda shots, and this certainly isn't one of them :-) But, I know that a lot more data will help... This was processed in a tent in dismal light too, the core and outer were processed as seperate layers but the core is still pretty burnt out...

Ah well, it's a start, as I said, lots more data this week... this is my last stab at seeing what can really be achieved unguided...

Anyway, we're going off topic, lets see other people's photos from the event, astro or social!


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Wow. Thanks for postig up pics so quickly. And they are amazing of Orion and M31. Just amazing! I hope one day i can take photos like that.

I only went on sat and observed from 1am to 5pm. Durin my observing session (which is the best i have had so far with my 8se), i looked up at the sky many times, and it was never inky dark blue or black, it was grey and at best dark grey. Can you confirm the same obersvation? I assume sat is a bad example of how Norfolk can be, i bet when its properly clear the skies must be inky dark blue!

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You are all very nice people :-)

But seriously, I need a LOT more data to smooth out the M31. I didn't really want to post it at all as I'm personally really not happy with it.

Reserve judgement until I've got 2hrs of data in there and I actually post it for critique in the DS Imaging forum, then if you like it, I might believe you ;-)

Thanks as always for your hospitality Kim, and to your lovely wife... looking forward to seeing everyone again next year.


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Thanks for a great week yet again.

I've been attending the event since 1999 and it never fails to inspire me! I am only a newby to imaging too as never really wanted to try it before now. Always left it to those of you who can!. This was only my second proper astro session and they were a year apart! Kelling 2010 and 2011.

Thanks to Dave Eagle especially, for all his help and advice and limitless patience, that man knows no bounds! a real gent and privelidge to know.

My talk went well on the Saturday afternoon (Impacts), a good audience attended that and that evening having got set for another imaging session my mount (NEQ6) blew its self up on Saturday night so thats gotta be fixed now ;)

Heres a few shots I got over the weekend. Comet Garradd, the supernova in M101 and the Sun + the air displays we had overhead Kelling :p

The night time astro stuff was taken through a cheap TS-102 refractor on an NEQ6 with an un-modded EOS 1000D and the solar/air shots directly through my EOS 7D with a 100-400 L series lens.









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Blummin' 'eck, Andy - those F15 pics are stonking! Shame it was making such a racket when some of us were trying to catch up with some sleep!!!

Great comet image too - I was amazed how bright it was when looking through Dave Eagle's scope.. nice!


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  • 3 weeks later...
Blummin' 'eck, Andy - those F15 pics are stonking! Shame it was making such a racket when some of us were trying to catch up with some sleep!!!

Great comet image too - I was amazed how bright it was when looking through Dave Eagle's scope.. nice!


Not just any old F-15, its an F-15E Strike Eagle...IMO the best combat aircraft ever built!

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He was doing practise bombing runs on the heath behind the top of red field. Awesome to watch as he came in from about 12000ft out of the sun - then climbed out and round for another go (several times).

It was hard to see and hear him till he was allmost on top of you - by then it's too late to get outa the way. You wouldn't wanna be the enemy lol :)

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