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My missus is lovely

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she's just told me she'll give me £250 towards my first telescope as a birthday present!!

Worryingly (and as predicted earlier) she had been looking around amazon, ebay and local stores with a view to buying one herself. Fair play to her she had done a decent amount of research but was still looking at the lower end of things.

However, after explaining Ive spent the last few days ignoring how busy I am at work and reading up and researching on what I'll need.

It looks like Ive decided on the First Light Optics - Skywatcher Explorer 130P SynScan AZ GOTO

and going to add amoon filter, battery pack, barlow lens (is this essential?) to get me going.

Hopefully be placing an order early next week!! :(:hello2:

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Nice choice, I have used the Celestron version of the 130 and it is a cracker. I have only just bought a 2nd hand SW AltAz goto as a grab n go mount for my C80ed so cant comment on the mount, but I have read that they are good.

Clear skies mate,


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You may want some kind of collimation kit as well.

I'm not sure about the barlow. Given what a decent 2x barlow will cost, I'd be tempted to use the money towards a couple of eyepieces with focal lengths either side of the 10mm instead as it doesn't have the greatest reputation for quality.

I like my GSO/Revelation moon filter. There are cheaper ones about, but I don't think they're as good. If you want to view the moon when it's close to full I reckon you're certain to need one.


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The 130P is a very nice starter scope which will show you plenty of stuff to start your foray into astronomy, and I had an az goto mount for a while which worked absolutely fine. You've chosen well :(

(Your choice of wife seems to have worked out well too lol :) )

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Congrats on getting your first scope you will see plenty with a 130P, my missus bought me my first scope and I've never looked back, I've got a lot to thank her for..... well done to your good lady!! :)

This is a good dark sky map with a simulator so you can check your skies - need-less light pollution

EDIT - I need to learn too type quicker :(;)

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cheers all, yup certainly very lucky. gonna pop up to green witch is sandy this afternoon to have a look (but not buy) to get an idea of things in the flesh after plenty of reading online.

Nimon, Sandy isnt too far from peterbrough. have you thought of going there to have a look?

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Have they moved again then? (he says checking the website) - they were based at Neils house....

Nope - they are still at Neils house! Sandy is misleading!

Best phone and check someone will be there :(

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Ooo how exciting Daz, bet you can't wait to get your hands on your new scope ! Hope you enjoyed your visit to Green Witch too, I'm off there myself in a few weeks for my own birthday present (a 16mm TV Nagler... very excited about that!!).

Definitely recommend getting a power pack.. these goto's eat up batteries like you wouldn't believe! This is the one I got from Maplins, works a treat, and much cheaper than the branded tanks: 3in1 Portable Jumpstarter : InCar Battery Chargers and Compressors : Maplin. You'd just need to get the power cable with the cigarette plug end from FLO to attach to your scope.

I wouldn't worry overly about the LP in Stevenage, it's true it's not brilliant, but there's still plenty to see - planets obviously, but also double stars and star clusters in particular are great. I've been able to see a fair few planetary nebulas as well. Galaxies though I find are a definite challenge - even those I've managed to see are no more than very small fuzzy blobs... I do believe a dark site is essential to get the best of those ! But all in all, there'll be plenty to keep you busy !

Matsey :)

EDIT: just noticed that was my 100th post, and I'm now 'Star Forming'! Woop Woo!!! :(

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