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help me make them believe we are stardust


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hi there turbotum i would put it in much more simple terms so that she can understand i would take the nursery rhyme way explain to her that in the nursery rhyme twinkle twinkle little star the reason it twinkles is because it has the same element at its core as everything on this and every other planet or solar system CARBON we are all made of this element including diamonds hense the rhyme " like a diamond in the sky " go down this route and see how you get on GOOD LUCK jimmythemoonlight :(

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I totally prefer my missus to have no interest in any of my hobbies because if she finds out how much I spend I am literally a dead man! :-) as to your own dilemma, I'd just shrug and get on with it.....lifes to short mate to convert everyone :-) That's why I have much respect for Jehovah's witness..they just keep on going like the Duracell bunnies!

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Perhaps you're not explaining things mechanistically enough? It is indeed pretty incredible that we're made of star dust. In fact, it is unbelievable unless you understand how it happens. There's a lot of background stuff you need to know in order to accept the notion. You'd need to step through it on point at a time. Imagine that your are disbeliever: what evidence would it take to convince you? Track down that evidence through reading. Even if you can't convince your woman, you will learn a lot.

I'd say the stuff you need to communicate goes something like this: Our bodies are made of a lot of elements heavier than hydrogen. So where do those come from? You'd need to be able to explain the concepts of atomic number and nuclear fusion. Where does fusion happen? Stars. Now the key thing is not to just give facts, you have to explain how we know those facts. One way, for instance, is to examine the spectra of stars of different ages. Older stars contain heavier elements. You'd have to explain how the Fraunhofer absorption lines work and how we can use these to know the chemical composition of the sun and other stars. You'd have to explain the Hertzprung Russel diagram and stellar evolution: how stars form and how the die. Right now is a great time to do this. You can show her the supernova in M101 and you can show her some emission nebulae like M8. Hubble has taken images of protoplanetary disks and, I believe, stars igniting. Show her those.

She brings up a valid question "how do I know it's true?" If she asks that, then maybe she wants to know. There are many things that we don't experience first hand but we must accept as true. This holds for the very small as well as the very large. I can't see the transistors in microsprocessors or experience them directly, but I have to accept they are there. You can make similar arguments for things such as plate tectonics, DNA, and electrons. We live in a technological and scientific world: most of what we take for granted is rooted in things we can't directly experience or validate with our senses. That's perhaps a lesson that not everyone has ingested.

I fell asleep just reading that :(

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My mrs is the same! She just looks at me to say you geek! But i look at it this way having the mrs not interested in space and astronomy is a good thing!!....cos if she starts to get an interest then she might start to get an idea of how much things cost so that little "£50" you spent, well she will soon learn it was really £150! Best keep her out of it lol otherwise youll be buyin less astro gear n more hand bags and make up!

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My wife said if I spend any more money on Astro gear, following the ridiculous notion that we are made of star dust, she will leave me....

God, I miss her.......

LOL :(

You could of course simply ask her where she believed we came from. Almost any other explanation would allow you to reply "And you say I am gullible?"

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You need a new girlfriend. Upgrade, to one with the latest version of software that reacts how you expect when you press the buttons. You don't want to keep one that slews all over the place, needing constant modifications, and costing more and more money when it's never gonna perform how you expect.

Get one that doesn't have such a narrow field of view, and "go's to" whenever you direct it. Find one that can focus perfectly when you tell it stuff, and knows how to leave off when you're not in the mood for talking - possibly a dual speed model.

Get one that you can admire when it's standing there in the lounge, and don't forget Russian models offer better quality than a more common make. lol :(

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You need a new girlfriend. Upgrade, to one with the latest version of software that reacts how you expect when you press the buttons. You don't want to keep one that slews all over the place, needing constant modifications, and costing more and more money when it's never gonna perform how you expect.

Get one that doesn't have such a narrow field of view, and "go's to" whenever you direct it. Find one that can focus perfectly when you tell it stuff, and knows how to leave off when you're not in the mood for talking - possibly a dual speed model.

Get one that you can admire when it's standing there in the lounge, and don't forget Russian models offer better quality than a more common make. lol :(

Sheer genius!

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You need a new girlfriend. Upgrade, to one with the latest version of software that reacts how you expect when you press the buttons. You don't want to keep one that slews all over the place, needing constant modifications, and costing more and more money when it's never gonna perform how you expect.

Get one that doesn't have such a narrow field of view, and "go's to" whenever you direct it. Find one that can focus perfectly when you tell it stuff, and knows how to leave off when you're not in the mood for talking - possibly a dual speed model.

Get one that you can admire when it's standing there in the lounge, and don't forget Russian models offer better quality than a more common make. lol :(

Hahahaha, Brilliant!!!!!

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You need a new girlfriend. Upgrade, to one with the latest version of software that reacts how you expect when you press the buttons. You don't want to keep one that slews all over the place, needing constant modifications, and costing more and more money when it's never gonna perform how you expect.

Get one that doesn't have such a narrow field of view, and "go's to" whenever you direct it. Find one that can focus perfectly when you tell it stuff, and knows how to leave off when you're not in the mood for talking - possibly a dual speed model.

Get one that you can admire when it's standing there in the lounge, and don't forget Russian models offer better quality than a more common make. lol :(

And don't forget the 'auto off' feature :)

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Why bother? :( Doesn't seem like she wants to listen.

Also, I'd be worried about a girlfriend that calls you stupid and gullible. Tell her she's fat to even it out a bit :)

I like that but I usually find throwing in a big **** with the fat comment tends to add credibility to which ever you throw at her first

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plus I am into fly fishing, coarse fishing, c.a.r.p. fishing and shore fishing with a bit of mountain filing thrown in and am a network architect and voice & data engineer to boot. My wife is an accounts clerk and has been for 22 years.

She goes blank when I start about anything and does not understand why all my friends all geeks and nerds when I am not. Best thing to do with the women folk that do not have that gene that all men seem to have that drives them to obsession over a pastime is to let them watch the soaps and x factor and use them all as an excuse to go out and enjoy your hobby.

I would like to ass to all the ladies that there are some sane ones out there that love life for everything that it can throw at you in all its forms but I am sorry to say you are all in the minority and were already married when I was single so I had to choose a woman with a good heart instead of brain (don't ever tell the wife I said that)

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You need a new girlfriend. Upgrade, to one with the latest version of software that reacts how you expect when you press the buttons. You don't want to keep one that slews all over the place, needing constant modifications, and costing more and more money when it's never gonna perform how you expect.

Get one that doesn't have such a narrow field of view, and "go's to" whenever you direct it. Find one that can focus perfectly when you tell it stuff, and knows how to leave off when you're not in the mood for talking - possibly a dual speed model.

Get one that you can admire when it's standing there in the lounge, and don't forget Russian models offer better quality than a more common make. lol :(

And if you find one of those, make sure to let the rest of us know where you got it :-)

I'm in the same boat (sorta) my wife has no interest in science but thinks it funny when I spend hours outside looking like an Eskimo, she's called me geeky but never gullible, I'd not be able to let that particular dog bark.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Beer clouds? What filter do I need to pick those up? :)

I guess a more simplistic way of explaining the matter that makes us up is that any element heavier than Hydrogen or Helium is only seeded from the death of stars. Might need a short explanation of nuclear fusion though :)

Didnt she pay attention in science class?

you need beer goggles mate!

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You need a new girlfriend. Upgrade, to one with the latest version of software that reacts how you expect when you press the buttons. You don't want to keep one that slews all over the place, needing constant modifications, and costing more and more money when it's never gonna perform how you expect.

Get one that doesn't have such a narrow field of view, and "go's to" whenever you direct it. Find one that can focus perfectly when you tell it stuff, and knows how to leave off when you're not in the mood for talking - possibly a dual speed model.

Get one that you can admire when it's standing there in the lounge, and don't forget Russian models offer better quality than a more common make. lol :)

That is just brilliant :):D:D

I can tell by the length of this thread and the serious thought that has gone into the posts that the weather is pants at the moment, or we would all be outside with our gear looking for mummy and daddy.

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People who know very little tend not to want to learn more but to pretend to themselves and others that there is very little to know and that they already know it.

Like many teachers I spent a large part of my life trying to unpick this attitude so as to demonstrate that the more you know the more there is to know and the less of it you really do yourself know.


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