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Hello Stargazers Lounge,

My name's David. I've been into astronomy for years, but only started taking it up as a 'full-time hobby' in the last year or two.

I've visited this site for months as a 'guest', reading reviews etc.

I recently bought a Skywatcher 200P dob and finally beat the 'curse of the new scope' last night to have my first viewing session.

I will apologise in advance for the many questions I will probably ask over my time here... but we all have to start somewhere right?


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Hi David and welcome to the forum.

The only stupid question is the one you didn't ask - I should know, I have asked them all!:):D Great scope you have got yourself there and will certainly give you plenty of good views as and wjen the weather plays ball.

Clear skies for now


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"we all have to start somewhere right?"

Right :) we all started somewhere and you'll find this a friendly helpful place to ask quaestions. Just pop up a thread in the beginners help section and someone will be along with an answer soon. Good choice of scope by the way - it's a very popular model.

Welcome to SGL David and hope you enjoy the forum :(

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