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Milky way - reloaded.

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Finally! I got a clear night with no moon, no clouds, and no work the next day!! I stayed out until around 2am and shot a range of things I have been meaning to experiment with.

First cab off the rank - the milky way, around 4 minutes using an EQ6 pro mount under my camera to track the stars for the duration.



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Amazing shot. :rolleyes:

What size lens did you use for that or is it a composite of more than one frame?

And if that's what a single 4min exposure produces, it would be amazing to see how those outer dust clouds appear from a multiple stack of images.

Thanks everyone! It's a single image through the Canon 16-35 f/2.8L lens @16mm.


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That's simply stunning. How do you focus using at 16mm. I tried at 24mm and gace up, I just couldn't see anything to focus with. Care to share your tips?!

It's a long process...on a good solid tripod I use a bright star first and zoom in with the lens to 35mm, centre it and manually focus it in the viewfinder with the camera turned OFF.

Then Switch the camera on and turn on live view and with the lens zoomed in, I also zoom in with the 5x and 10x buttons on the digital LCD. Once I can see a nice big blurry star on the LCD, I then manually focus again to tighten it up. I then turn off the live view, zoom back out to 16mm with the lens, recompose anywhere else in the sky and take my shot. That's it.


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