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Leo triplet B+W


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I'm after some luminence for M101 with the ED120 but forecast was for 14mph wind went for the Leo Triplet with my ED80. The night was a long saga of guiding failure. Then it clouded over so started packing away at 11.00 but cleared completely as I was doing this. Everything was perfect after that - wind dropped, good transparency and seeing, and finally got the guiding working sweetly. Went to bed and let it run!! It was flippin freezing.

70x200secs with a CLS filter ED80 SXV H9. Captured and combined with MaximDL and processed in photoshop. Colour to follow (eventually) but like this B+W just as it is.


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Think i will award you with the C.D.M, CADBURYS DAIRY MILK HEEHHEHE thats the best you have done to date Martin.quality image, once again you have lifted the level ,well done , but the bit that concerns me , whilst you were in slumberland , what would have happened if it had rained ????? .


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Thanks chaps. Nice when things go well even when you have to wait until 12.30 for it to start happening.

Rog - I didn't sleep very well thinking about burglars, frost and clouds coming over and messing up the guiding but, you know, I never even thought of rain. It was too cold!!!

Rus, good to hear from you again. Yes, your images are missed on here.

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Went to bed? Blimey I wouldn't dare. It would fill my shed with snow if I turned my back, either that or the guiding would go wonky and drive the 'scope into the pier.

The result is awesome though. Nearly four hours of subs ought to do it and your image proves that it does.

Keep 'em coming, and good luck with your stuff while you sleep.

Captain Chaos

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