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I propose a prize for image of the week


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Having seen this weeks joint winner of the image of the week I am so impressed by the skill and even more so the time it takes for these guys to produce such stunning pictures.

I am aware that winning the admiration of your fellow members may be sufficient but is there a prize for the winning entry? such as a small gift voucher from FLO for example.

I appreciate that I am effectively suggesting that someone else should provide the prize and therefore do themselves out of business but I just thought I would raise it.

I expect the response will be that the admiration is prize enough and that they do not do it for financial gain, but I just thought a physical reward for their efforts would be a bonus.

Please note this is not a personal gain request as I have no chance of winning picture of the week as my images are, shall we say, at the lower end of the market.

Nuff said.

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That is a good point and not one I thought of.

I assumed in this world of X-factor and Britain's Got Talent everything was a competition.

However, as the 'winner' is always stated I suppose it could be argued that it is a competition.

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I'm not sure a prize for the winner/s of POTW would be a good thing. I'm sure most imagers are happy to have their peers recognise their achievements through the forums pages with constructive, and rewarding comment. Besides, 52 prizes a year from Flo, might dent their yearly profits. Thing are tough enough.

We should leave the prize giving to the Astro mags. Simply my opinion of course.


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the way i see it, people don't actually enter for POTW, they just show off their pics to share them with everyone. I guess that is why most people take pics, to show them off and let others admire them (i mean that in a good way!)

I can't imagine that anyone actually posts a pic to try to get POTW.

Maybe a little icon on the winners profile would be nice, but i think that the admiration is enough for most people

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Interestingly, a lack of a prize doesn't seem to influence the large number of very able people submitting their images. I do enjoy viewing POW as a non imager and although a 'winner' is chosen, the reality is that in my eyes, all the images submitted are winners because they reflect the huge amount of effort, dedication and possible frustration that goes in to collecting and processing the data.

To all you imagers - keep going with your inspiring work!


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I don't perceive POTW as a competition. I see it is more a personal choice of the judge about what floats their boat. That's just fine with me.

FLO already provide a huge time and resource input into SGL - asking them to donate prizes would be unfair.

Also, many of the winners would, I suspect, inevitiably be from those with the best equipment. These are more likely to be those amongst us with the greatest amount of disposable income and hence the group to whom a small prize would the least likely to be of use.

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While I think FLO could probably easily afford it - remember that being active / sponsoring SGL is I'm sure very good for business - I agree that a prize is not necessary. To me, the reward for posting images here is simply recognition of other (better!) members. Which is why I try to make the effort to comment on others' images, particularly those that haven't had other comments (although this is rare).

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There is no submittal process for the POW we have to go through all the images in each section of the 'images' board to choose a picture. This could be be any members image whether they be a normal member or moderator or admin or guest judge. So it would not be possible to have a prize as such. I think it is sufficient to just get the recognition from fellow imagers.



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Noooo! Let's keep it nice and friendly and informal. That's what makes it special. As soon as you start dishing out prizes it becomes very divisive. Sounds a bit of a cliché, but I just enjoy learning about the techniques people use for these great images and the effort they put into them, and I like to share my images just for fun and to help me learn how to do it better.

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Whilst I do use the 'w' word in my judging summary, I don't actually think of POTW as being a competition as such, rather I think of it in terms of a way of recognising the special efforts of individuals at all sorts of levels.

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There is no submittal process for the POW we have to go through all the images in each section of the 'images' board to choose a picture. This could be be any members image whether they be a normal member or moderator or admin or guest judge. So it would not be possible to have a prize as such. I think it is sufficient to just get the recognition from fellow imagers.



Yep that about sums it up for me...

The people that deserve a prize in my opinion are the judges that give 4 or 5 hours each week to go through and look at all the images and try to choose the one to mention.


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I don't often post......too busy reading everyone else's posts.....but every now and then I do get the urge to throw my pennies worth in.I am a newbie and although I would like to image one day its still a dream.I love to veiw POTW and I personally feel that just being able to produce anything near to what I see week in week out and have it even considered would be all the praise(and prize) I would need.....and besides,some one would have to sponsor the prizes.....!

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