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Astrofest - Tele vue Panoptics for £60!!

maroon bells

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No only joking.

I did see a nice 20" RCX on a humungous mount, quite obscene really. Maybe Brian May bought a couple of them.

As I was walking out to lunch I overhead someone say stargazers and luckily enough bumped into Steve (FLO), Phattire, Andrew, Daz and Lunator. They were kind enough to invite me for a curry. Quite lucky because I'd never met anyone from here before. It was nice to put names to faces and I may have to go to the star party now!

PM was in fine form cracking a load of jokes so there's life in the old devil yet! He got a very good response from the crowd and a standing ovation at the end.

One of the funniest things was when one of the speakers (Reinder Bourma) completely ignored hints that his presentation had overrun, they had to turn his mic off to shut him up. You had to feel sorry for the bloke as he was in full flow and obviously enjoying it.

I really splashed out on a £12 moon filter and a copy of AN that i had'nt realised I had already bought and read from cover to cover, doh.

Anyway it was a good day and it was nice to meet you guys.

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You little tinker you.... :D

I was just racking my brains trying to remember how I missed that bargain :rolleyes:

I had an excellent day...Didn't actually buy anything except lunch... :wink:

Nice to see Daz and his lad, Ian (Lunator) Again and to meet Mr. Bells..Look forward to seeing you all at the Staparty.. :D

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Televue Panoptics for £60 !!!!!! Drat, Drat, Drat, Drat ... etc :rolleyes: I missed them - just as well MB got 50, to hand out to everyone.

PM was in good form, very funny and even told an "off colour" joke - obviously still got a sense of humour.

Met Steve (from Auntie FLO) - thanks for the EP etc Steve. Also saw Richard Darn (Sunderland AS & Kielder fame) - nice guy - their Dome etc goes out to tender soon and the hard standing should be ready for Kielder in the Autumn - roll on next year when the "full Bhuna" is up, - a couple of domes, lots of space to set up other 'scopes - and even a road to get there.

The wierdest thing at Astrofest was when the Dutch guy Reinder Boumas - aka "Rudolph") kept ignoring Iain Ridpath's attempts top get him to shut up. Never seen anyone have their mic switched off before and nudged away from the lecturn.

Bought an RDF (from Ian King) for my WO Megrez 80mm - thought about the 20" RCX on "mega mount" as a "grab n' go", but it wouldn't go on the 'plane as hand luggage :wink:


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Well, I took the camera, but didn't check the batteries before I left home (putz!)!!!

It was quite emotional to see PM, and I was lucky enough to ask him who were his influencies in astronomy. Edmund Haley came the answer. Unfortunately, the BANG! books had sold out so Andrew didn't get one, but the publishers will get one signed and sent onto him. He's going to write the old boy a letter as well!

Andrew has a habit of leaving stuff lying around. On the train TO London, he lost his ticket! We bought some pictures that Nik Unspellable had done, and left those somewhere as well!! Next year, I'll just chuck twenty quid out the window!!

Mate of mine was quite impressed that we were rubbing shoulders with PM and Brian May... "What, THE Brian May", "Yep,", "What, THE Brian May, the bloke from Queen", "Yep. Him", "Cool!!"

I was bullied into buying a double star book by Ian, and Andrew won the juniors astro-quiz from one of the distance learning colleges. 14 out of 20!! Many thanks to Ian for looking over his shoulder!! :rolleyes:

P.S. Thanks for the advice Greg, worked a treat :wink: There's a DVD on it's way to you, as promised :D :D

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