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andrew s

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Everything posted by andrew s

  1. I wonder if the sky at night will do a special on how they got it wrong. The guitar playing scientist can play a durge. (Assuming they were wrong.) Regards Andrew
  2. Life seems to be slipping away No phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus Regards Andrew
  3. Spooky, nice mysterious image. Regards Andrew
  4. Fine start. Now just keep going. Regards Andrew
  5. I think you are missing that the average pull of gravity is balanced out but the strength of the materials of the solid earth and liquid water. This is essentially the EM force. What matters is the small pererbations from the average. These are shown in fig 5 of the link I gave. Section 3 gives a hand waving description. Just try reading the paper and forget the maths that's what I do first time through. Regards Andrew
  6. Try this link for a mathematical description Tides Regards Andrew
  7. Nice start. You have to grab what you can in the UK. Regards Andrew
  8. Just a thought, given the Borg scopes are modular I wonder if the 55mm refers to a specific configuration? Regards Andrew
  9. I think the most common use might be from The Sky X and MaxImDL if your mainly interested in amateur imaging. I am currently playing with astropy and anoconda/spider to do 3D plots of my Flare Star spectra. As this is new to me just find the data was a challenge! Now just have to reconstruct the wavelength scale and master plotting. Good luck with your work. Regards Andrew
  10. Try here https://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/fits_dictionary.html . But there is no fixed use beyond the mandatory fields . Regards Andrew
  11. Good to get started. Hope the mount comes soon. Regards Andrew
  12. I prefer the original colour balance. Nice subject well framed. Regards Andrew
  13. The back focus is measured from the metal back of the scope to the chip not the front of the camera. What is defined as the metal back of the scope depends on the scope and or reducer. Regards Andrew
  14. I noticed you have a manual focuser. Is there any backlash? If so make sure any final adjustment is "in" i.e. lifting the image train against gravity. Also make sure it does not move once locked down or shift when locking it down. Regards Andrew
  15. Run it through CCDInspector. It has a free trial period and will give you some data to work with. Regards Andrew
  16. My thoughts exactly. It's the Philippe Patek of telescopes but I suspect without the large fan base given astronomy is a niche hobby. Regards Andrew
  17. Have you considered shifting the center of gravity with some lead or exercise weights? I did this to allow my 12" Newtonian to fit in my obs before upgrading. Regards Andrew
  18. While I do mine on scope I have a blank "shutter" in the filter wheel and I take them at night in a dark observatory with the roof shut. Regards Andrew
  19. I moved my kit to Pikel Skies in Castillejar Spain because of the weather in Cheshire. Regards Andrew
  20. Dim the panel with some sheets of white paper and use a longer exposure. Regards Andrew
  21. They look different but without the standard deviation can't be sure. I would try running another set. Ensure no light leaks and I would add a delay between them say 20 s to ensure the chip stabilises between images. Regards Andrew
  22. Do they measure differently? They should be the same but for random noise. Regards Andrew
  23. Quite right. Most people can't see far enough into the UV for visual observation in Ca light. Regards Andrew
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