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andrew s

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Everything posted by andrew s

  1. Mine is white. Just the material I had to had. Worked just fine. Regards Andrew
  2. You could ask to see the pointing graph from Tpoint. That would let you know how good it is. Regards Andrew
  3. While not the same company they are run by the same people as PixelSkies. Regards Andrew
  4. You need to find where the stray light is coming from first. If it's light entering the top of the tube and getting into the focuser your idea will make it worse. You need to look at the overall layout and see what's best. There is a web based program called NEWT that can help with checking the design. Regards Andrew
  5. So @JeremyS did you score 10 or 110? 😀 I got 2. Regards Andrew
  6. Unfortunately, verdant green implies rain! 😱 Regards Andrew
  7. Looks like a flying genie. Regards Andrew
  8. Sorry all but it is raining here for the 3rd day. Regards Andrew
  9. "It's love's illusions that I recall I really don't know fracs at all."
  10. "As every fairy tale comes real They looked at PH3 that way But now it's just a poor just so And you leave 'em fading when you go"
  11. "But if you care don't let it show Don't give your kit away"
  12. Reminds me of this "I've looked at clouds from both sides now From up and down and still somehow It's cloud's illusions I recall I really don't know clouds at all" Regards Andrew
  13. A lot depends on what you want from the spectra you will get. Any thoughts on that? Have a look at Robin Sectroscopy Regards Andrew
  14. I think this underestimates what's involved. Not only do you need to set up the rig but even the most trivial of issues may require on site support. In addition you would need an enclosure that you can guarantee would shut in bad weather, with all the other necessary services including satellite internet and much more. As examples Dave has cleaned and realigned my filter wheel that stopped working, cleaned and replugged USB leads, reset the Paramount when it got into a "can't slew" state and many more. All as part of the service. Dave and the team at PixelSkies provide an invaluable professional service. It's not for everyone but running a genuinely remote robotic rig is not at all trivial. Value as always is a personal assessment. Regards Andrew PS yes you could move there as an alternative @Robny
  15. If you are more interested in data and images than enjoying your kit then sharing a robotic set is the way to go. Obviously it's not for everyone and I miss tinkering with my kit but I am getting data on flare stars that would be impossible from Cheshire. Regards Andrew
  16. Utilitarian philosophy is so dull. Regards Andrew
  17. What are hobbies for? I would offer my view which is "to enrich ones life". That can involve lows as well as highs, frustration as well as elation. I can drift in and out of hobbies and even sub topics within a hobby but so what as long as I am largely content. Regards Andrew
  18. There might be some leads here . Regards Andrew
  19. Look very impressive to me. Regards Andrew
  20. I have my rig there. I suspect the price depends on how much space you need. I have a standard space (Paramount MEII ODK16) and pay £300 pm. The service is excellent. Happy to discuss via PM . Regards Andrew
  21. To which this troublesome child would have muttered under his breath "better than a half mummified fossil ". Regards Andrew Guess what its raining here.
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