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Everything posted by scotty38

  1. @mikeDnight and @ollypenrice I stand by my comment that that's how M13 looks through my 6". Just to reiterate though: 1. It's an achromat (Altair Starwave 152 f5.9) 2. On the occasions I've had to use it it's not been what we'd call dark (I've only had it a couple of weeks) 2. I know my low light vision isn't the best I made the point of mentioning these things for all the obvious reasons but given your comments can you give examples of what constitutes a good 6" refractor please?
  2. You can pick up that sort of thing from Amazon for less than a tenner. I have a 10A version with cigarette lighter connector that works just fine.
  3. I run all my gear off a single plug, mount, cooled camera, laptop, EAF and not a problem at all. I’ve not added it up but at full load I still don’t think it would exceed 13A and certainly not constantly.
  4. I cannot really add much apart from to say I have noticed ABE introduces noise similar to what you see here and, as yet, I've not been able to work out what settings I need to change or if it's my data. APP can make a better job of the stacking using its defaults. Having said that I know there are enough folk getting great results out of PI that I have basically accepted it's me/my data at fault. I can see the screen shots but are you using WBPP and have you looked at Adam Block's videos for V2 of the script as there may be info in there that could help - I've not watched them all yet btw.... Edit just to be clear and what I mean re ABE adding noise is that if I use STF on a stacked image and then apply ABE the ABE version has noise whereas the STF image does not.
  5. Agreed, I'd be asking them to send me the correct item. There's not a cat in hell's chance I'd even consider taking a drill to it..... Banish those thoughts!
  6. I'm in a Bortle 4 and have a 6" Achromat but given it doesn't get dark at the minute and my low level vision is not 100% the 6" view above is not that far off what I see for M13. The illustration is slightly better than what I see but taking into account my "issues" seems fair to me.
  7. Great image and I've said it before that I must start writing targets down so I don't sit there pondering when in front of the NINA Sequencer 🙂
  8. Yes, supposedly Bortle 4 here and not much light pollution. Using a 7mm in a 152mm achromat I can easily see the fuzzy ball but need averted vision to pick out the odd glimmer of any stars around the periphery. I think I'd only be kidding myself saying I could see anything in the core 🙂
  9. Nice report and I am beginning to accept that my eyes are not cut out for DSOs, even with 6" I'm not getting what I'd expect out of even M13 so can only be envious of what you're seeing, nice work!
  10. Love that image, wish I could see if from here 🙂
  11. Very nice image and I like the square format too (not that you cannot do that regardless but you get what I mean). My first choice earlier in the year was a 533 but there were none in sight so I bought a 294.....
  12. Great picture and I was scratching my head for 5 mins wondering why it looked so different to my image of M13 🤣
  13. I think RA and DEC is in the FITS header itself isn't it?
  14. Probably a bit late now but there's a 250 flextube in the classifieds....
  15. Lovely looking thing that is. I don't have much experience of these things but the quality of my GT81 stands out compared with my other scopes so can imagine what this one is like....
  16. I bought this recently pretty much as above but a touch cheaper, I'd have another with no hesitation and much prefer it to my other ROC "aluminium" type. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Plastica-Panaro-MAX430S-079-Waterproof-Photography/dp/B00A9ULZFK/ref=sr_1_9?crid=2FFMS20O4FDXE&dchild=1&keywords=flight+case&qid=1620433570&sprefix=flight%2Caps%2C208&sr=8-9
  17. Well it just shows what I know as I thought the centre looked ok
  18. I accept it may not cause this but is the back focus all set ok as I know there has been various settings given out for the 6AIII?
  19. Thanks again. I am new to this, as well as PI, so all i do right now is either ABE or a meddle with DBE and see what happens.... That may well also be a completely different thing/objective but that's back to my inexperience....
  20. Thanks both, I don't have PS but I do have Affinity Photo and PI so will look at applying the methods there...
  21. While we're on the subject just how do you actually see what the background is whether it's 18, 20 or whatever?
  22. Nice, I have one of those..... Keep thinking about a different power cable similar to yours as the standard one is a bit stiff and can catch but it keeps working so haven’t bothered yet....
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