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Everything posted by scotty38

  1. I'm sure Vlaiv is correct but nevertheless I love it, nice one....
  2. Haha now that is interesting as I am thinking about adding some of the BSTs to the collection so I now know which case to get 🙂
  3. Yep great cases and same as mine just a different size. I had the bigger one as I have my binoviewers and 2" diagonal in there too. I'll be getting one like yours as my eyepiece collection grows 🙂
  4. Here you go and as mentioned I much prefer the ABS type: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00BEGGVK2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00A9ULZFK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  5. I have one of the "Aluminium" ROC type and then an ABS version that I think Hollyhound may have linked to (I'll dig a link out) and I much prefer the latter, very nice case.
  6. Well maybe yeah but it appears in both lists as it is an EQ mount, just happens to be ALt-Az too, that's why.
  7. You're getting them mixed up, that is the eq mount, this is the Alt-Az: https://www.telescope.com/All-Telescopes/Mounts-Tripods/GoTo-Mounts-Tripods/Orion-Atlas-Pro-AZEQ-G-Computerized-GoTo-Telescope-Mount/pc/2162/c/2131/sc/2001/p/102340.uts?refineByCategoryId=2001 Edit, you posted again, you found the AZ-EQ...
  8. AZ-EQ6 is both Alt-Az and EQ and is the same as the Atlas. Oh and that link is incorrect as the image is an EQ6 Pro not an AZ-EQ6
  9. I use a small USB3 hub attached to the mount along with my cigarette lighter adapter and that way apart from one USB cable to the laptop all other USB cables only "go" to the mount. My cigarette lighter adapter is fastened to the mount too and that powers my camera, focuser and mount so all power cables only "go" to the mount too. One external USB and a mains adapter for the power thingymajig are the only external cables that I have to plug in each time.
  10. Well, if you end up going laptop again, what I do is to put the whole lot inside one of those plastic lidded crates with holes drilled for the cables. Once I've done the "outside" stuff ie PA etc I put the laptop in the crate and pop the lid on and I've never had any issues. The box keeps the main cold/dew off the kit and I guess to some extent the thing running in a closed space keeps it warmish too...
  11. I used a 294mc and a GT81 with 0.8x flattener so a fair bit wider than you but also heavily moon polluted. I can see that you'd reduced the stars but yours is a great image, mine was significantly less so 🙂
  12. Wonderful and I think I tried this target myself but I'm having doubts now as it looks completely different to yours 🙂
  13. Looks pretty good to me and I wouldn't know where to begin to see any faults in it. it'd be on my wall if it was mine 🙂
  14. Always for me it's want versus need. If anyone tells me they "need" a Rolex I could argue against it all day long, 50p digital from the garage etc etc BUT tell me you "want" one and it's game over I can't argue with that. Same here too although I wouldn't have the ammunition to argue against needing a Tak but for anyone that just wants one then fair play....
  15. I am so late to this hobby it's untrue (I'm 58) and I already knew my low light vision wasn't great so erred towards imaging however I got an urge to have a look as it were so bought an 80mm refractor. I can see stuff for sure but I don't know what my eyes are missing so I also just bought a 6" refractor so I'll soon have an increase in aperture and exit pupil for any given eyepiece. I will soon find out if wonderment or disappointment awaits me lol......
  16. Ha, you saved us all from rushing out to buy that lens though lol
  17. Light polluted but GT81 @ 382mm and 294mc with m4/3
  18. Yep plenty of info in his videos that I’m merely scratching the surface of as I was only pointed towards him recently.
  19. Don’t ever kid yourself you’ve finished spending would be a good piece of advice too 🤣
  20. Don’t try and beat them down on price as they’re competitive anyway and the service is second to none. That in itself is worth something these days and you’ll be glad they can afford to behave like this if you get any issues 👍
  21. Yep I know what it is that’s why I’m amazed, must be cropped somewhat and to retain that detail is great.
  22. Unless it’s a typo that’s mightily impressive for a 50mm lens
  23. Nice, l managed to blow the centre with 30 second exposures so you’ve worked some magic there.....
  24. Seems ok to me, what kit did you use and how did you process it?
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