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Everything posted by scotty38

  1. @tomato I saw you asked the dos question on discord too. I didn't really get much of an answer so will be interesting to see what you get.
  2. Coowoo straps on Amazon worked just fine for me until I moved to a powerbox and needed different adapter type. In fact let me check I have the name right as can't find them lol Yep, here you go, have a search for different sizes... https://www.amazon.co.uk/COOWOO-Temperature-Regulator-Universal-Telescopic/dp/B07MHGW4DG/ref=sr_1_6?crid=3LI62T6XVNBF&keywords=usb%2Bdew%2Bstrap&qid=1653407782&sprefix=usb%2Bdew%2Caps%2C189&sr=8-6&th=1
  3. I am using PI now but yes it's worked absolutely fine whenever I have used it so definitely worth trying if you've just bought it. Plus see the other thread for James Ritson's macros too.
  4. I am assuming you realise you can stack etc in Affinity if you wish to?
  5. Yep had a look at this yesterday... Nice if you can get one
  6. Tried that and it made no difference Should have added an unfortunately, sounded a bit abrupt otherwise 🙂
  7. Yes it gets logged to the standard log file: 2022-05-21T08:31:19.5234|INFO|SequenceItem.cs|Run|206|Starting Category: Utility, Item: ExternalScript, Script: "C:\Users\Martin\Desktop\NINA Astro Images-MelePC\test.bat" 2022-05-21T08:31:19.5234|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|43|Running - C:\Users\Martin\Desktop\NINA Astro Images-MelePC\test.bat 2022-05-21T08:31:19.6892|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|54|STDOUT: C:\Program Files\N.I.N.A. - Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy>cls 2022-05-21T08:31:19.6902|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|54|STDOUT: C:\Program Files\N.I.N.A. - Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy>cd\ 2022-05-21T08:31:19.6912|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|54|STDOUT: C:\>cd\test 2022-05-21T08:31:19.6922|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|54|STDOUT: C:\test>mkdir martin 2022-05-21T08:31:19.6932|ERROR|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|60|STDERR: A subdirectory or file martin already exists. 2022-05-21T08:31:19.6932|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|54|STDOUT: C:\test>cd\test\martin 2022-05-21T08:31:19.6942|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|54|STDOUT: C:\test\martin>dir *.* 2022-05-21T08:31:19.6963|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|54|STDOUT: Volume in drive C has no label. 2022-05-21T08:31:19.6963|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|54|STDOUT: Volume Serial Number is 02CC-9995 2022-05-21T08:31:19.6963|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|54|STDOUT: Directory of C:\test\martin 2022-05-21T08:31:19.6972|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|54|STDOUT: 20/05/2022 17:39 <DIR> . 2022-05-21T08:31:19.6972|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|54|STDOUT: 20/05/2022 17:39 <DIR> .. 2022-05-21T08:31:19.6972|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|54|STDOUT: 0 File(s) 0 bytes 2022-05-21T08:31:19.6972|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|54|STDOUT: 2 Dir(s) 186,032,549,888 bytes free 2022-05-21T08:31:19.6982|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|54|STDOUT: C:\test\martin>pause 2022-05-21T08:31:24.4668|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|54|STDOUT: Press any key to continue . . . 2022-05-21T08:31:24.4668|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|54|STDOUT: C:\test\martin>echo press any key to continue 2022-05-21T08:31:24.4668|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|54|STDOUT: press any key to continue 2022-05-21T08:31:24.4678|INFO|ExternalCommandExecutor.cs|RunSequenceCompleteCommandTask|54|STDOUT: C:\test\martin>exit
  8. Yes you can pipe to a file for later review that’s easy enough. For real time review I asked on discord if NINA is running it silently but not had an answer yet.
  9. I use the variable output to power my Mele mini pc with no issues. I am sure you'll be fine.
  10. Aren’t you running two instances of NINA though?
  11. I have the ZWO EAF Edit: Apols that wasn't aimed at me 🙂
  12. Funnily enough I have some power switches coming today that can be controlled from the command line that I'm intending to use in NINA end sequence scripts so I just wrote a quick batch file to try myself and you're right, of course. Don't have an answer yet though 🙂
  13. To be honest I am not 100% sure what you're asking. I am sure I have not tried though 🙂
  14. I have the Advance lovely little bits of kit. With USB ports on the Mele pc I could have probably got away with the Micro.......
  15. I notice you don't have a USB cable in to the mount was that "just because" when the picture was taken or for other reasons? Just curious.....
  16. Seems like a good decision at that price.
  17. Used..... Edit Not likely to be FLO is my point.
  18. Got to ask where it was bought and can it go back though?
  19. What's worth mentioning now as it's a big "PI" deal is that not too long ago using the WBPP script would bring up a PI warning box that doing so was sub optimal and for best results it was advisable to do things manually. That is no longer the case, the warning has gone and the PI advice is the script is the preferred method now.... Also as Steve will no doubt testify to there has been a lot of work, and friction, gone into making the Local Normalisation tool an "option" to NSG......
  20. Now then, we could start a whole new thread of scopes and Land Rovers. Nice one by the way, Blindos or Terrafirmas? Sorry for the OT, as you were......
  21. Just to add to my last post.... I run 240V to my Nevada PSU and then the Lynx silicon cables provide the 12v to the kit. I use the 5m 12v cables to give me placement flexibility right now as I set up outside although the PSU is in a plastic crate at the side of the scope. Within the next few months I will hopefully be in an observatory but will still use the same cables, no reason not to.
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