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Everything posted by scotty38

  1. haha, but seriously have a look at the windows start/GSS programme menu and the link to the PDF is under there
  2. I'd have to check but I think I'm sure the manual says to turn it off when calibrating. Edit: From the manual: "When using PHD2 for guiding it’s recommended to turn off PPEC during the PHD2 calibration process and turn it back when finished."
  3. This is the result of 172 x 180s images taken over the last two nights taken from around 20:00 to 00:00 each night. Just a DBE and STF applied to see how it turns out as my monitors aren't necessarily showing you what I'm seeing...
  4. Well... Not sure what the issues were but I was assuming the guiding issues were down to something other than being level....
  5. Happy to be shot down here but I think I have learned that this degree of accuracy in level is not required. I plonk my tripod down, check the bubble is central-ish and polar align. As long as that is done correctly all should be fine. Lots of other things to go wrong, that is true, but no need to worry about this bit from what I have seen.....
  6. I use those too, cheap (I don't buy the Chromo versions) and seem to work just fine as you've found....
  7. Thanks much appreciated, I've since had a bit of a look at them and may well invest. It's not the first time I've noticed odd colours in my images so it's clear something needs sorting out....
  8. That sounds like it may be a very good idea. Never having used one how do they work basically and can they work for dual monitor setups plus laptop with/without external display?
  9. I think I might need a new monitor 🙂 Just saw this again on a different screen and looks to have a blue/green background, is that what it looks like??? Is this one better?
  10. Ah ok the slightly smaller version of what I have. I assume 6/8a is enough???? Does the focuser work ok with nothing else connected?
  11. What are you using to power the Pegasus? I'm powering the same sort of kit with mine and have no trouble at all but I'm using the 25-30A supply from FLO
  12. Nice guiding! Best snapshot I saw and managed to capture last night was 0.39 🙂 🙂 I was 0.58 for the entire run which I am happy with for the AZ-EQ6
  13. This was from last night just to see what I could get, full moon trunk.....
  14. As David says a picture could be good but you assumed correct based on what though? It has to be pretty accurate, even to fractions of a mm.....
  15. You'll need focus for starters, if you have the reducer do you have the correct spacing to the camera sensor? If you get that then do you have the star databases installed in ASTAP, you'll need 17 or 18 in there which is done separately. I'd also configure NINA to use ASTAP as the primary and blind solver.
  16. I'm lucky that I have pretty good views but I did have a play with M81/M82 and the l-eXtreme the other night and was surprised what I saw. If it hadn't been for guiding issues it would have been good to add to more broadband data. Worth a thought???
  17. That's fine as long as the H17 or H18 database files are in the same directory. Also go into ASTAP itself and either select H17/H18 or make sure it's set to AUTO. I have heard of having H18 and H17 installed together causing issues but I didn't have any although I just have H17 now.
  18. Thanks and that’s the answer I need and I guess I must have just been lucky up to this point…..
  19. Thanks but the examples above are with and without dither, just seems that dither was "guaranteed" to set it off....It was fine all night after I recalibrated and I did nothing else whatsoever, in fact I'd done not much more than polar align since the last calibration which is why i was curious as to why it should suddenly not work. I dithered after every frame last night too and not a murmour, just how it usually is. At least I know if it starts like this again then a calibration may fix it although I still don't know why it happens.....
  20. I think it did, it ran until dawn and was fine. The eagle-eyed may have spotted min-mo changes that were applied by the guiding assistant along with changes to backlash settings. My last calibration wasn't very long ago which is why I hadn't tried that as I just sort of assumed it would be ok. I'm not sure what's changed and I've not had to do so before but should I be calibrating each session anyway?
  21. Decided to run another calibration and guiding assistant and hopefully haven't spoken too soon but it's been stable a while.........
  22. Hi all I'm having guiding issues that I cannot make sense of. All has been well until the last few weeks and now my guiding is very poor and very strange I think. Everything "seems" ok with the mount, balance, no snags etc but of course it can't be but I'm not sure what's wrong due to the issue I'm seeing. If you look at the graphs below you'll seek ok guiding and then it just goes bad, although the middle one is kicked off by a dither. I "fix" it by stopping and restarting the guiding. Could it be a balance issue and by stopping the guiding I'm allowing the mount to settle as it were, I start again, it eventually oscillates again and rinse repeat. Does that sound like a balance problem or is it likely something else?
  23. Yes I believe so, see below link and the note in particular. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/dovetails-saddles-clamps/adm-dual-saddle-upgrade-for-heq5-neq6-avx-zeq-ioptron.html
  24. But wouldn't all the time travellers know about this "issue" of not being able to return anyway? I am pretty sure if they were able to send someone back the "not returning home" conundrum wouldn't have been a surprise or unplanned for....
  25. Having it there should not matter. If it's already unparked the "Unpark" command should do nothing so something is not quite right if it is doing something.....
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